pdflatex 抛出错误参数,无法编译任何内容

pdflatex 抛出错误参数,无法编译任何内容


Initial Win CP for (console input, console output, system): (CP850, CP65001, CP1252)
I changed them all to CP1252
Rc files read:
Latexmk: This is Latexmk, John Collins, 4 Apr. 2023. Version 4.80.
No existing .aux file, so I'll make a simple one, and require run of *latex.
Latexmk: applying rule 'pdflatex'...
Rule 'pdflatex':  Reasons for rerun
Category 'other':
  Rerun of 'pdflatex' forced or previously required

Run number 1 of rule 'pdflatex'
Running 'pdflatex  --max-print-line=10000 -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -recorder  "d:/Archive/Bachelor/writing/Thesis/tex/main.tex"'

Sorry, but pdflatex did not succeed.

The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again:

Latexmk: No log file was found, neither the expected one, 'main.log', nor one in '.'.
Latexmk: fls file doesn't appear to have been made.
Latexmk: Couldn't read log file 'main.log':
  No such file or directory
This message may duplicate earlier message.
Latexmk: Failure in processing file 'd:/Archive/Bachelor/writing/Thesis/tex/main':
   *LaTeX didn't generate the expected log file 'main.log'
Reverting Windows console CPs to (in,out) = (850,65001)
Latexmk: Getting log file 'main.log'
Latexmk: Errors, in force_mode: so I tried finishing targets
Collected error summary (may duplicate other messages):
  pdflatex: Run of rule 'pdflatex' gave a non-zero error code


2023-05-18 17:59:50,335+0200 INFO  pdflatex - allowing known shell commands
2023-05-18 17:59:50,358+0200 FATAL pdflatex.core - Bad parameter value.
2023-05-18 17:59:50,358+0200 FATAL pdflatex.core - Data: parameterName="save_size"
2023-05-18 17:59:50,358+0200 FATAL pdflatex.core - Source: Libraries\MiKTeX\TeXAndFriends\include\miktex\TeXAndFriends\TeXMFMemoryHandlerImpl.h:107
2023-05-18 17:59:50,358+0200 FATAL pdflatex - Bad parameter value.
2023-05-18 17:59:50,358+0200 FATAL pdflatex - Info: parameterName="save_size"
2023-05-18 17:59:50,358+0200 FATAL pdflatex - Source: Libraries\MiKTeX\TeXAndFriends\include\miktex\TeXAndFriends\TeXMFMemoryHandlerImpl.h
2023-05-18 17:59:50,358+0200 FATAL pdflatex - Line: 107
2023-05-18 17:59:50,360+0200 INFO  pdflatex - this process (5452) finishes with exit code 1

似乎引用了一些 C 标头,我无法找出发生了什么,希望得到一些帮助。 编辑 在基本的 hello-word.tex 上进行测试




pdflatex hello-word.tex


Sorry, but pdflatex did not succeed.

The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again:



2023-05-18 18:13:49,110+0200 FATAL pdflatex - Bad parameter value.
2023-05-18 18:13:49,110+0200 FATAL pdflatex - Info: parameterName="save_size"
2023-05-18 18:13:49,110+0200 FATAL pdflatex - Source: Libraries\MiKTeX\TeXAndFriends\include\miktex\TeXAndFriends\TeXMFMemoryHandlerImpl.h
2023-05-18 18:13:49,110+0200 FATAL pdflatex - Line: 107
2023-05-18 18:13:49,114+0200 INFO  pdflatex - this process (31524) finishes with exit code 1
