\begin{groupplot}[group style={group size= 2 by 2},height=5cm,width=6cm, xmin=0, xmax=2, ymin = 0, ymax = 1]
\nextgroupplot[ylabel={$W_{cut}$},legend to name=zelda]
\addplot[color=black, solid, line width=1pt]
table [col sep=space]
\addplot[color=red, dashed, line width=1pt]
table [col sep=space]
\coordinate (top) at (rel axis cs:0,1);
\addplot[color=black, solid, line width=1pt]
table [col sep=space]
\addplot[color=red, dashed, line width=1pt]
table [col sep=space]
\addplot[color=black, solid, line width=1pt]
table [col sep=space]
\addplot[color=red, dashed, line width=1pt]
table [col sep=space]
\addplot[color=black, solid, line width=1pt]
table [col sep=space]
\addplot[color=red, dashed, line width=1pt]
table [col sep=space]
\coordinate (bot) at (rel axis cs:1,0);% coordinate at bottom of the last plot
\node at (0.5,3) {(a)};
\node at (6,3) {(b)};
\node at (0.5,-1.5) {(c)};
\node at (6,-1.5) {(d)};
\path (top)--(bot) coordinate[midway] (group center);
\node[right=1em,inner sep=0pt] at(group center -| current bounding box.west) {\pgfplotslegendfromname{zelda}};
\caption{Comparative analysis of Brinkman's model and Darcy's model for samples (a), (b), (c), and (d) using the values of $K_{\Omega_{V}}$ from the table (\ref{tab:4-1}). It is investigated the influence of the dimensionless porous volume injection ($t_{D}$) on the water cut ($W_{cut}$).}