





%\usepackage{parskip} % Space between paragraphs
%These two are for linebreak in verbatim







\fancyfoot[C]{}% Custom footer
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\providecommand*{\listingautorefname}{Listing} % For autoref listings

% Redefine the plain page style
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\section*{\centering Abstract}



\section*{\centering Acknowledgements}








%See ReadMe.tex
\ProvidesPackage{diku}[15/9/2016 - this version should work for most people]
\RequirePackage{geometry} %Requires the geometry package to change margins on the front page
\RequirePackage{wrapfig} %Requires wrapfig to put logo next to signature

%%Packages for the background picture
\RequirePackage{graphicx} %Requires the graphicx package to show a logo picture
\RequirePackage{eso-pic} %Requires the eso-pic package to change the background

%        Package description for n00b options                   %

%\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{nbi}{Unknown ‘\CurrentOption’. Please choose either options: 'dan' or 'eng'}}
    \PackageWarning{diku}{I think you mistyped something in the Packageoption. The options are 'dan' or 'eng'. You typed: '\CurrentOption'}

%       Package description for option: 'eng'(English)          %

%%Declare option: English frontpage (eng)

%%New commands for filling out the front page with annoying prefilled lines
\title{PREP} %Filling a title, if forgotten




%Provide subtitle

%Provide title
    \newcommand*{\@project}{Masters Thesis}

%Provide supervisor(s)

%%Commands for registration and cataloguing
%Provide an institute

%Provide a department
    \newcommand*{\@department}{Program Language T C}

%Provide an email:
    \newcommand*{\@email}{email \& email}

%Provide handin date
    \newcommand*{\@handindate}{31.10.2022 \texttt{\handindate}}

%Provide defence date

%%Command for background - well, it will become a command when I'm done :-)
%Define frontpage

%Define frontpage

%Command for background (only on one page)
    \newcommand*{\background}[1]{\AddToShipoutPicture*{\includegraphics[width=0.9\paperwidth, height=0.9\paperheight]{\@background{#1}}}}

    \renewcommand*{\maketitle}{%Define the content of the frontpage

%    \background{KuRedCircle}

    {\scshape\large University\par}

    {\LARGE \@subtitle\unskip\strut\par}
    %{\Large\scshape \@project\unskip\strut\par}

    {\large \@date\par
    Supervised by\par


% \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{6.5cm}
%   \vspace{-4cm}
%     \includegraphics[width=5cm]{RkuEng}
% \end{wrapfigure}



\ProcessOptions \relax


我希望摘要页为 1,致谢页为 2,目录为 3,页码为罗马字体并位于页面底部。然后页码应使用花式页面样式并\chapter{Introduction}重置为 1。目前致谢页为 2,但摘要页的页码根本没有显示?


更新在文件中 diku.sty 使用

\renewcommand*{\maketitle}{%Define the content of the frontpage 
    \newgeometry{margin=1.5cm}% here <<<<<<<<<<


    \restoregeometry %here <<<<<<


\renewcommand*{\maketitle}{%Define the content of the frontpage 
    \newgeometry{margin=1.5cm}% here <<<<<<<<<<
        %    \background{KuRedCircle}               
        {\scshape\large University\par}
        {\LARGE \@subtitle\unskip\strut\par}
        %{\Large\scshape \@project\unskip\strut\par}
        {\large \@date\par
            Supervised by\par
        % \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{6.5cm}
        %   \vspace{-4cm}
        %     \includegraphics[width=5cm]{RkuEng}
        % \end{wrapfigure}
    \restoregeometry%here <<<<<<

使用此 MWE 和修改后的diku.sty

% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex


\usepackage[eng]{diku} % uses the modified version <<<


\fancyfoot[C]{}% Custom footer
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% Line at the header visible
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}% Line at the footer visible

% Redefine the plain page style
    \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% Line at the header invisible
    \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}% Line at the footer visible


%***************** for testing
\usepackage{showframe} %Only to show the margins
\usepackage{kantlipsum}% dummy text


        \section*{\centering Abstract}
        \section*{\centering Acknowledgements}      



