将 vline 稍微延伸到周围框之外?

将 vline 稍微延伸到周围框之外?


    \item[] \parbox{0.47\linewidth}{\textbf{Version 1}}
            \parbox{0.47\linewidth}{\textbf{Version 2}}
    \item   \parbox[t]{0.47\linewidth}{Text that may cross to \\ a second line}
            \parbox[t]{0.47\linewidth}{Text that may cross to \\ a second line}


我对垂直线的其他通用解决方案持开放态度,但我希望使用enumeratestill,因为项目有时会在文本的其他地方交叉引用,我希望它们可以作为超链接使用。例如,我知道使用 很容易做到这一点tabular,但这样我要么会失去交叉引用,要么必须克服一些困难才能实现它。




(您不需要理解 tikz 代码)


\DrawVerticalRule[<color of the line>]{<name of the top mark>}{<name of the bottom mark>}

(颜色可选,默认=黑色)将在两个 tikzmark 之间绘制垂直线。

在使用 之前\DrawVerticalRule,必须在每个句子开头前手动添加两个\tikzmark{<unique name>}, 。对于底部标记,必须将其插入到最后一个 之后\\,且行首单词前不能有空格。

请注意,\hfill在 parboxes 之间添加了 ,以便在它们之间添加一些空间,并防止垂直线触及长句子的末尾。

该线的 x 偏移量为1ex向左,并将在每个首字母上方或下方延伸 1pt。所选线宽为 0.8pt。



%********************************** added  <<<<<<<<<
\setlength{\xshift}{1ex} % line separation from the text <<<<
\settoheight{\yshift}{M} % height of M
\settodepth{\zshift}{gjpqy} % depth of g    

\newcommand{\DrawVerticalRule}[3][black]{% \DrawVerticalRule[<color of the line>] default = black
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \draw [color=#1, line width=0.8pt]($ (pic cs:#2) +(-\xshift,\yshift+1pt) $) -- ($ (pic cs:#3) +(-\xshift,-\zshift-1pt) $); 

        \item[] \parbox{0.47\linewidth}{\textbf{Version 3}}\hfill % space between the parboxes
    \parbox{0.47\linewidth}{\textbf{\tikzmark{t1}Version 4}} % add the first tikzmark <<<<<<<<<
        \item   \parbox[t]{0.47\linewidth}{Text that may cross to \\ a second line and it is longer...}\hfill % space between the parboxes
        \parbox[t]{0.47\linewidth}{Text that may cross to\\ \tikzmark{b1}a second line}% add the second tikzmark <<<<<<<<
\DrawVerticalRule[blue]{t1}{b1} % draw the vertical line between the two tikzmarks t1 and b1 <<<<<<<<<<
        \item[] \parbox{0.47\linewidth}{\textbf{Version 5}}\hfill % space between the parboxes
        \parbox{0.47\linewidth}{\textbf{\tikzmark{t2}Version 6}} % add the first tikzmark <<<<<<<<<
        \item   \parbox[t]{0.47\linewidth}{Text that may cross to \\ a second line and it is longer...}\hfill % space between the parboxes
        \parbox[t]{0.47\linewidth}{Text that may cross to\\a second line and maybe use \\  \tikzmark{b2}a third line.}% add the second tikzmark <<<<<<<<

\DrawVerticalRule[red]{t2}{b2} % draw the vertical line between the two tikzmarks t2 and b2<<<<<<<<<<

