

这是我的 MWE:

\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, arrows.meta}
\usepackage[a4paper, total={7.5in, 9.5in}]{geometry}
\tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head
\title{How does varying the capacitance between $\qty{0.01}{ \micro \farad}$ and $\qty{10}{\micro \farad}$, $(10, 4.7, 2.2, 1, 0.47, 0.22, 0.1, 0.047, 0.022, 0.01)$, while keeping inductance and resistance constant at $\qty{10}{\milli \henry}$ and $\qty{100}{\ohm}$ respectively, affect the peak frequency of the input voltage?}



\noindent Capacitors are commonly found in our daily home appliances. They are often used to store a charge which is later discharged to produce a current. Capacitors are formed by assembling 2 parallel conducting plates and inserting a dielectric material between them. When a voltage is applied between these plates, this sets up an electric field between them and allows the capacitor to store charge and therefore electrical potential energy. An RLC circuit is a circuit which consists of a Resistor, Inductor and Capacitor. They are connected in series for this experiment. RLC circuits have a variety of crucial applications. Because of this, studying them is essential in the fields of electrical engineering and electronics. RLC can also be used to amplify signals at specific resonant frequency. Examples of such applications can be found in radio receivers. \\



我有兴趣使用 titlesec 包来删除标题和第一个标题之间的空格。我该怎么做?


我不会使用 titlesec 来更改该空间。如果您重新定义 section 命令,这将更改所有部分,而不仅仅是第一个部分。相反,我会使用负空间来隐藏通常显示作者和日期的空间。


  • 你确实应该清理一下你的前言。你不能多次加载具有冲突选项的同一个包。

  • times包已过时,请勿使用它

  • 使用\qtysiunitx 的宏来获取数字和单位之间的正确间距



\title{How does varying the capacitance between \qty{0.01}{\micro \farad}}






