我正在尝试重新创建这个 pgfplots 图表包含不同的数据。表中没有“深度”,而是“非终端计数”或nts
简称,我希望 a 轴值为 2^x 数字格式,而不是 x(当前为 x)。“节点”列仍在那里。
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.symbols}% for starburst
% JastAdd crashed at size 2^13
nts Nodes ApsTime ApsMemory JastAddTime JastAddMemory
8 17045 0.6 78 0.8 63
9 67244 2.3 137 2.8 126
10 265762 9.3 479 15 388
11 1024167 72 1288 127 2793
12 3596625 246 5052 983 11073
13 9075268 861 14362 nan nan
slanted blocks/.style={
draw, fill=white, font=\tiny\ttfamily, rotate=45,
anchor=south west, inner sep=2pt
axis line style = {thick, gray},
ymode = log,
ymin = .2,
xtick = {8,9,...,13},
xlabel = {Non-terminal count},
ylabel = {Time (seconds)},
legend style = {nodes={right, font=\scriptsize},
at={(0.05,0.9)}, anchor=west},
clip mode = individual,
grid = major,
label style={font=\tiny},
tick label style={font=\tiny}
\addplot table[x=nts, y=JastAddTime]{\followdata};
\addplot table[x=nts, y=ApsTime]{\followdata};
\legend{JastAdd, APS}
\node[slanted blocks] at ({#1+1},.2)
\node[slanted blocks] at (7.1,.2) {\# of nodes};
\node[starburst, fill=yellow, draw=red, thick, font=\tiny\ttfamily,
inner sep=0pt, starburst point height=6pt]
at (12.5, 2000) {crash!};
手册的第 343 页找到它。
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.symbols}% for starburst
% JastAdd crashed at size 2^13
nts Nodes ApsTime ApsMemory JastAddTime JastAddMemory
8 17045 0.6 78 0.8 63
9 67244 2.3 137 2.8 126
10 265762 9.3 479 15 388
11 1024167 72 1288 127 2793
12 3596625 246 5052 983 11073
13 9075268 861 14362 nan nan
slanted blocks/.style={
draw, fill=white, font=\tiny\ttfamily, rotate=45,
anchor=south west, inner sep=2pt
axis line style = {thick, gray},
ymode = log,
ymin = .2,
xtick = {8,9,...,13},
xlabel = {Non-terminal count},
ylabel = {Time (seconds)},
legend style = {nodes={right, font=\scriptsize},
at={(0.05,0.9)}, anchor=west},
clip mode = individual,
grid = major,
label style={font=\tiny},
tick label style={font=\tiny},
%%% Added: how to create the ticks, manual page 343 "Tick Options"
\addplot table[x=nts, y=JastAddTime]{\followdata};
\addplot table[x=nts, y=ApsTime]{\followdata};
\legend{JastAdd, APS}
\pgfplotsinvokeforeach{0,1,...,5}{%%% changed to compile
\node[slanted blocks] at ({#1+8},.2) %% changed to adjust shift
\node[slanted blocks] at (7.1,.2) {\# of nodes};
\node[starburst, fill=yellow, draw=red, thick, font=\tiny\ttfamily,
inner sep=0pt, starburst point height=6pt]
at (12.5, 2000) {crash!};