我使用集成了 Zotero 的 Overleaf 作为参考管理器,并使用了 BibLatex 包,其样式设置为“APA”。由于与 Zotero 同步,我无法编辑 references.bib(只读)。
两个都杂志文章以及杂志文章(例如《哈佛商业评论》)在 BibLatex 中被归类为相同的条目类型“文章”。但是,APA 对期刊文章和杂志文章的格式要求略有不同。例如,对于杂志文章,月份应添加到年份后面。所有其他期刊文章都运行良好且格式正确,但我无法对杂志文章的格式进行任何调整。
解决这个问题的最佳方法是什么?我应该使用其他软件包吗?为什么 Biblatex 没有做出区分,因为它是 APA 要求。我觉得我错过了一些东西……
MWE 和杂志文章及期刊文章的 BibTeX 条目示例
\usepackage[backend=biber,style=apa, apamaxprtauth=99]{biblatex}
%% now in references.bib
title = {How to Start an Entrepreneurial Revolution},
volume = {88},
issn = {00178012},
url = {https://search.ebscoho...},
abstract = {The article refers to...},
pages = {40--50},
number = {6},
journaltitle = {Harvard Business Review},
author = {Isenberg, Daniel J.},
urldate = {2023-06-17},
date = {2010-06},
keywords = {Business planning, Business success},
title = {Building sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems: A holistic approach},
volume = {140},
issn = {01482963},
url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier...},
shorttitle = {Building sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems},
abstract = {Growing interest in entrepreneurial ecosystems...},
pages = {346--360},
journaltitle = {Journal of Business Research},
shortjournal = {Journal of Business Research},
author = {Theodoraki, Christina and Dana, Léo-Paul and Caputo, Andrea},
urldate = {2023-06-17},
date = {2022-02},
langid = {english},
顺便说一句,这是我的第一个 MWE,如果不清楚或有改进方法,请随时提供反馈。非常感谢您的帮助!