在这个 MWE 中,我没有在标题中找到作者的名字。
% Custom command to set running head for odd and even pages
\newcommand{\oddhead}{\markright{Running Head}}
\title{Relative Advantage of Latex}
\author{Rui de S. Cxx\thanks{Polytechnic of Porto: \texttt{[email protected]}}}
\fancyhead[RE]{R.Camps} % Move this line after \author command
\noindent bla bla.
\textbf{1st paragraph}\\
\textbf{2nd paragraph}\\
。因此您永远不会有左页。所有页面都是右页,称为奇怪的LaTeX 中的页面。因此您的
\fancyhead[LE]{R.Camps} % Move this line after \author command
\fancyhead[CO]{R.Camps} % Move this line after \author command
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% Not needed any longer from LaTeX 2018/10/04.
%\usepackage{amssymb}% Not needed so show the problem or solution.
%\usepackage{amsmath}% Not needed so show the problem or solution.
%\usepackage{txfonts}% Not needed so show the problem or solution.
%\usepackage{mathdots}% Not needed so show the problem or solution.
%\usepackage{bmpsize}% Not needed so show the problem or solution.
%\usepackage[classicReIm]{kpfonts}% Not needed so show the problem or solution.
%\usepackage{scrextend}% Not needed so show the problem or solution.
%\usepackage{graphicx}% Not needed so show the problem or solution.
%\usepackage[affil-it]{authblk}% Not needed so show the problem or solution.
%\usepackage{hyperref}% Not needed so show the problem or solution.
%\usepackage{titling}% Not needed so show the problem or solution.
%\setlength\headheight{20pt}% Not needed so show the problem or solution.
% Custom command to set running head for odd and even pages
%\newcommand{\oddhead}{\markright{Running Head}}% Not needed so show the problem or solution.
\title{Relative Advantage of Latex}
\author{Rui de S. Cxx\thanks{Polytechnic of Porto: \texttt{[email protected]}}}
\fancyhead[CO]{R.Camps} % Move this line after \author command
\noindent bla bla.
\textbf{1st paragraph}\\
\textbf{2nd paragraph}\\
有双面文件,作者在左边(=甚至) 页:
% All preamble code not related to the problem removed
\title{Relative Advantage of Latex}
\author{Rui de S. Cxx\thanks{Polytechnic of Porto: \texttt{[email protected]}}}
\fancyhead[RE]{R.Camps} % Move this line after \author command
\noindent bla bla.
\textbf{1st paragraph}\\
\textbf{2nd paragraph}\\