我有一个在 LibreOffice Calc 中创建的 4x4 数独模板。以下是我在电子表格中修改的所有设置的列表。
Format > Page...
Paper Format
1. Format: A4 (210mm x 297mm)
2. Orientation: Portrait
3. Left: 2.6mm
4. Right: 2.6mm
5. Top: 2.6mm
6. Bottom: 2.6mm
Layout Settings
7. Page numbers: None
8. Table alignment: Horizontal & Vertical
9. No Header
10. No Footer
Cells comprising each puzzle
11-a. Font size: 20pt
11-b. Font: Liberation Sans
12. Column Width 11mm
13. Row Height 11mm
14. Align Center
15. Center Vertically
Cells acting as space between adjacent puzzles
16. Column Width 4mm
17. Row Height 4mm
18. Exterior of each 2x2 Square 2pt
19. Interior of each 2x2 square 0.75pt
这些变化让我能够在一张 A4 纸上放进 24 个 4x4 数独,如下图所示。下面的数学运算证实它不会溢出。
水平:(拼图)11 x 4 x 4 +(拼图之间的空间)4 x 3 +(左右边距)2.6 x 2 = 193.2 < 210
垂直:(拼图)11 x 4 x 6 +(拼图之间的空间)4 x 5 +(顶部和底部边距)2.6 x 2 = 289.2 < 297
我决定将其移植到 pdfLaTeX,并尝试保留尽可能多的功能。我以为我做了所有事情,除了应用 Liberation Sans,这是一种 TrueType 字体,我不知道如何在 pdfLaTeX 中应用它。
但是,当我编译下面的源代码时,一页只能容纳 20 个拼图。最后一行的四个拼图被推到了最后一页。这可能是因为我更改了单元格\arraystretch
的高度,而单元格的高度可能没有精确达到 11 毫米。此外,PDF 输出中的水平间隙和垂直间隙似乎不相等,所以我可能没有正确更改所有间距。
我应该如何更改此代码,以便间距与电子表格版本完全相同?如果可能,我该如何将字体更改为 Liberation Sans?最后,尝试使用 缩短代码失败。当我用替换时\newvertical
,出现错误。为什么它在工作时会失败?! Package array Error: Illegal pream-token (\newvertical): `c' used.
@{\vrule width 2pt}
% 11-a. Font 20pt
% Substitute font since Liberation is TrueType
% 1. Format: A4
% 2. Orientation: Portrait
% 3, 4, 5, 6. Margins: Left, Right, Top, Bottom 2.6mm
\usepackage[a4paper, top=2.6mm, bottom=2.6mm, left=2.6mm, right=2.6mm]{geometry}
% 14, 15. Align Center & Center Vertically
% Prevent indents
% 9, 10. No Header & Footer
% 7. Page numbers: None
% 13. Row Height 11mm (Have no idea if this is exactly 11mm)
% Commands to shorten code - \newvertical does not work
\newcommand\newvertical[1]{@{\vrule width #1pt}}
\newcommand\newhorizontal[1]{\noalign{\hrule height #1pt}}
% Disables implicit vertical space between paragraphs
% 8. Table alignment: Horizontal & Vertical
% 18. Exterior of each 2x2 Square 2pt
% 19. Interior of each 2x2 square 0.75pt
% 12. Column Width 11mm
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
% 16. Column Width 4mm
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
% 17. Row Height 4mm
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 0.75pt} M{11mm} @{\vrule width 2pt} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
尝试生成与 LibreOffice 完全相同的输出是徒劳的。这样做的唯一原因通常是某些机构要求,例如,期刊坚持要求提交的内容必须看起来像在 Word 中生成的一样。
有两种方法可以使用 True Type 字体。一种是使用替代引擎(XeTeX 或 LuaTeX)。另一种是获取或创建 pdfTeX 的支持文件。除非您知道如何做后者或喜欢挑战,否则您需要做前者,否则,选择其他字体。
我使用 XeTeX 生成的输出与使用 LibreOffice 得到的结果并不完全相同,但它确实可以在页面上容纳 20 个拼图,间距看起来也还算合理。我仍然遇到了一个糟糕的问题,但我还不确定该怎么做,所以我就保留了它。
我让 LaTeX 计算垂直间距。我认为明确设置它没有任何好处。LaTeX 在这方面比我做得好(但不是很好,它不会将最后一行推出文本区域,尽管这可能是 的geometry
错误,或者更可能是我缺乏 的能力geometry
近似于 11mm,但这可能可以改进,并且可以使用新的列类型来代替宏\newvertical{#1}
\setmainfont{Liberation Sans}
% 1. Format: A4
% 2. Orientation: Portrait
% 3, 4, 5, 6. Margins: Left, Right, Top, Bottom 2.6mm
% \usepackage[margin=2.6mm,headheight=0pt,noheadfoot,marginpar=0pt,marginparsep=0pt,showframe,verbose]{geometry}
% 14, 15. Align Center & Center Vertically
% Commands to shorten code - \newvertical does not work
% create a new column type instead of trying to use a standard macro
\newcolumntype{V}[1]{@{\vrule width #1pt}}
\newcommand\newhorizontal[1]{\noalign{\hrule height #1pt}}%
% Prevent indents
% 9, 10. No Header & Footer
% 7. Page numbers: None
% 13. Row Height 11mm (Have no idea if this is exactly 11mm)
% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.35}%
% Disables implicit vertical space between paragraphs
% 8. Table alignment: Horizontal & Vertical
% \begin{center}
% 18. Exterior of each 2x2 Square 2pt
% 19. Interior of each 2x2 square 0.75pt
% 12. Column Width 11mm
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
% 16. Column Width 4mm
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\begin{tabular}{ V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} M{11mm} V{0.75} M{11mm} V{2} }
1 & 2 & & 4 \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
& & 1 & \\ \newhorizontal{2}
& & & \\ \newhorizontal{0.75}
4 & & & 3 \\ \newhorizontal{2}
\mbox{ }