更改 tabularray 的 talltblr 和 longtblr 环境中的行距​​ caption

更改 tabularray 的 talltblr 和 longtblr 环境中的行距​​ caption

tabularray talltblr我想更改使用环境生成的标题中的行距或基线拉伸longtblr,以模仿包的“拉伸”选项caption

TblrTemplate但是,如果我在或在caption-textcaption-tag选项中使用 \onehalfspacing 则不起作用


\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images

        labelsep = newline,
        singlelinecheck = false,
        labelfont = bf,
        textfont = it,
        font = {small,doublespacing},
        position = above,

\DefTblrTemplate{contfoot-text}{default}{Continúa en la siguiente página}
\DefTblrTemplate{caption-tag}{default}{\bfseries\small Tabla\hspace{0.25em}\thetable}
\DefTblrTemplate{caption-text}{default}{\itshape\small \InsertTblrText{caption}}





    \caption{Example of a table with caption using tabular and caption package}
       a & b & filler text & filler text\\
       a & b & filler text & filler text\\
       a & b & filler text & filler text\\
       a & b & filler text & filler text\\

    \begin{tblr}[tall, caption={Example of a table with caption using tabularray package}]{colspec={cccc},hlines,vlines}
       a & b & filler text & filler text\\
       a & b & filler text & filler text\\
       a & b & filler text & filler text\\
       a & b & filler text & filler text\\


