![摄影的 TikZ 图表(光圈和对焦环)](https://linux22.com/image/466382/%E6%91%84%E5%BD%B1%E7%9A%84%20TikZ%20%E5%9B%BE%E8%A1%A8%EF%BC%88%E5%85%89%E5%9C%88%E5%92%8C%E5%AF%B9%E7%84%A6%E7%8E%AF%EF%BC%89.png)
% #1: x coordinate of bottom middle, #2: y coordinate of bottom middle
\draw[fill=white] (#1,#2) -- (#1-0.125,#2+0.28) -- (#1,#2+0.56) -- (#1+0.125,#2+0.28) -- cycle;
% #1: x coordinate of dof mark, #2: y coordinate of dof mark, #3 dof mark text
{\node (DOF_range) at (#1,#2) {\phantom{1}};}
{\node (DOF_range) at (#1,#2) {#3};}
\draw[-] (DOF_range) -- ++(0,0.45);
% #1: move whole display in x direction, #2: move window content in x direction
\node (ft) at (-2.8+#1,2) {ft};
\node (m) at (-2.8+#1,1.5) {m};
% clipping window
\clip[draw](-2.5+#1,1.2) rectangle (2.5+#1,2.4);
% ft
\node (15ft) at (-2.15+#1+#2,2) {15};
\node (10ft) at (-1.5+#1+#2,2) {10};
\node (7ft) at (-0.2+#1+#2,2) {7};
\node (5ft) at (1.7+#1+#2,2) {5};
% m
\node (5m) at (-2.3+#1+#2,1.5) {5};
\node (3m) at (-1.45+#1+#2,1.5) {3};
\node (2m) at (0+#1+#2,1.5) {2};
\node (1.5m) at (1.8+#1+#2,1.5) {1.5};
% #1: x shift of aperture ring
\node (f16) at (0+#1,0) {16};
\node (f11) at (1+#1,0) {11};
\node (f8) at (2+#1,0) {8};
\node (f5.6) at (3+#1,0) {5.6};
\node (f4) at (4+#1,0) {4};
\node (f2.8) at (5+#1,0) {2.8};
\node (f2) at (6+#1,0) {2};
\node (f1.4) at (7+#1,0) {1.4};
%\draw[fill] (0,-1) rectangle (14,3.5); % if you uncomment these two parts it will become white on black background
\begin{scope}%[color=white] % if you uncomment these two parts it will become white on black background
编辑:现在实现了正确计算 DOF 窗口编号的间距,并可轻松选择 f 档和对焦距离以创建图像 编辑:现在实现了正确计算 DOF 窗口编号的间距,并可轻松选择 f 档和对焦距离以创建图像
% #1: x coordinate of bottom middle, #2: y coordinate of bottom middle
\draw[fill=white] (#1,#2) -- (#1-0.125,#2+0.28) -- (#1,#2+0.56) -- (#1+0.125,#2+0.28) -- cycle;
% #1: x coordinate of dof mark, #2: y coordinate of dof mark, #3 dof mark text
\node (DOF_range) at (#1,#2) {\dofrangedisplaytext};
\draw[-] (DOF_range) -- ++(0,0.45);
% #1: x-offset, #2: y-offset
\node (infty) at (#1+\fpeval{\dofdistancescalingfactor/999}, #2) {$\infty$};
% #1: x-offset, #2: y-offset, #3: dof-distance in meter
\node (#3m) at (#1+\fpeval{\dofdistancescalingfactor/#3}, #2) {#3};
% #1: x-offset, #2: y-offset, #3: dof-distance in feet
\node[color=yellow] (#3m) at (#1+\fpeval{\dofdistancescalingfactor/\feetinmeter{#3}}, #2) {#3};
% #1: move whole display in x direction, #2: move window content to x m
% meter and feet text
\node[color=yellow] (ft) at (-2.8+#1, \dofwindowyoffsetfeet) {ft};
\node (m) at (-2.8+#1, \dofwindowyoffsetmeter) {m};
% clipping window
\clip[draw](-2.5+#1,1.3) rectangle (2.5+#1,2.15);
% ft labels
\dofdistancenodefeet{\dofwindowxoffset}{\dofwindowyoffsetfeet}{3} \dofdistancenodefeet{\dofwindowxoffset}{\dofwindowyoffsetfeet}{2.5}
% infinity label
% meter labels
% shadow
\draw[draw=none,rectangle, left color=black, right color=dark-gray, anchor=south west, opacity=0.5] (-2.5+#1,1.3) rectangle (-2.4+#1,2.15);
\draw[draw=none,rectangle, right color=black, left color=dark-gray, anchor=south west, opacity=0.5] (2.5+#1,1.3) rectangle (2.4+#1,2.15);
\draw[color=light-gray] (-2.5+#1,1.3) rectangle (2.5+#1,2.15);
% top border
\draw[fill, color=light-gray] (0,2.15) rectangle ++(#1+3.5,0.15);
\draw[fill, color=almost-black] (0,2.15) rectangle ++(#1+3.5,0.03);
% rifling
\foreach \x in {0,0.28,...,20}
\draw[fill, color=middle-gray] (0+\x,2.35) rectangle ++(0.1,0.3);
% #1: f-stop, #2: focal distance
% #1: f-stop, #2: focal distance
% #1: x shift of aperture ring
% right rifling
\foreach \x in {0,0.28,...,2.5}
\draw[fill, color=middle-gray] (#1+\x,\fstopringyoffset-0.28) rectangle ++(0.1,0.58);
% left rifling
\foreach \x in {0,-0.28,...,-6}
\draw[fill, color=middle-gray] (#1-9+\x,\fstopringyoffset-0.28) rectangle ++(0.1,0.58);
% top line
\draw[fill, color=almost-black] (0,\fstopringyoffset+0.3) rectangle ++(#1+3.5,0.03);
% aperture text
\node (f16) at (#1-8,\fstopringyoffset) {16};
\node (f11) at (#1-7,\fstopringyoffset) {11};
\node (f8) at (#1-6,\fstopringyoffset) {8};
\node (f5.6) at (#1-5,\fstopringyoffset) {5.6};
\node (f4) at (#1-4,\fstopringyoffset) {4};
\node (f2.8) at (#1-3,\fstopringyoffset) {2.8};
\node (f2) at (#1-2,\fstopringyoffset) {2};
\node (f1.4) at (#1-1,\fstopringyoffset) {1.4};
% bottom line
\draw[fill, color=almost-black] (0,\fstopringyoffset-0.28) rectangle ++(#1+3.5,0.03);
\draw[draw=none,color=#1, fill] #2;
\clip #2;
% #2: f-stop, #3: distance in m
\clipfill{dark-gray}{(0,0) rectangle ++(#1+3.5,2.34)}
\verb|\dofscalefm[4]{11}{1} |