我有一份文档,其中引用了两篇论文,第一作者和年份相同。但是,如下例所示,作者列表很长。如您所见,引用已添加到文档中,但第二篇论文得到了 和?
。该论文位于报告末尾的参考书目中,但 LaTeX 似乎不知道如何在主文档中处理它。有没有办法让它?
用正确的引用(Brady et al. 2019b)替换 ,并且第一个是(Brady et al. 2019a)?
author = {Brady, Steven P and Bolnick, Daniel I and Barrett, Rowan Douglas H. and Chapman, Lauren and Crispo, Erika and Derry, Alison M and Eckert, Christopher G and Fraser, Dylan J and Fussmann, Gregor F and Gonzalez, Andrew and Guichard, Frederic and Lamy, Thomas and Lane, Jeffrey and McAdam, Andrew G and Newman, Amy E M and Paccard, Antoine and Robertson, Bruce and Rolshausen, Gregor and Schulte, Patricia M and Simons, Andrew M and Vellend, Mark and Hendry, Andrew P},
journal = {The American Naturalist},
language = {English},
number = {4},
pages = {495--515},
pmid = {31490718},
rating = {0},
title = {{Understanding maladaptation by uniting ecological and evolutionary perspectives}},
volume = {194},
year = {2019}}
author = {Brady, Steven P and Bolnick, Daniel I and Angert, Amy L and Gonzalez, Andrew and Barrett, Rowan Douglas H. and Crispo, Erika and Derry, Alison M and Eckert, Christopher G and Fraser, Dylan J and Fussmann, Gregor F and Guichard, Frederic and Lamy, Thomas and McAdam, Andrew G and Newman, Amy E M and Paccard, Antoine and Rolshausen, Gregor and Simons, Andrew M and Hendry, Andrew P},
journal = {Evolutionary Applications},
number = {7},
pages = {1229--1242},
rating = {0},
title = {{Causes of maladaptation}},
volume = {12},
year = {2019}}
\setcitestyle{authoryear,round,aysep={},yysep={,},notesep={ }}
This is a duDDDEEEEEE, be careful: \citep{Brady:2019fe}.