\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
\usetikzlibrary{matrix,shapes,arrows,fit,calc, automata}
\tikzset{cross/.style={cross out, draw=black, minimum size=2*(#1-\pgflinewidth), inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
%default radius will be 1pt.
\matrix(m) at (-7,5) [matrix of math nodes, nodes in empty cells, nodes={minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, text height=1.5ex, text depth=.25ex}]
s,0 & 1,0 & 2,2 & 3,1 & 4,0 & 5,0 & 6,2 & e,1 \\
1,0 & 2,2 & 5,1 & 2,0 & 6,2 & 3,2 & e,0 & \\
2,0 & 4,2 & 6,5 & 6,3 & e,0 & 4,1 & & \\
3,0 & 5,3 & & & & e,0 & & \\
\draw[-] (m-1-1.south west) -- (m-1-8.south east);
\foreach \k in {2-1,3-1,4-1, 3-2, 2-3, 2-4, 3-4, 2-5,3-5, 3-6,4-6} {
\draw[draw=blue] (m-\k) ellipse (4mm and 3mm) ;
\foreach \k in {2-2, 4-2, 3-3,2-6,2-7} {
\draw (m-\k) node[cross=6pt] {};
\usetikzlibrary{matrix,shapes,arrows,fit,calc, automata}
\tikzset{cross/.style={cross out, draw=black, minimum size=2*(#1-\pgflinewidth), inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
%default radius will be 1pt.
\matrix(m) at (-7,5) [matrix of math nodes, nodes in empty cells, nodes={minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, text height=1.5ex, text depth=.25ex},e/.style={ellipse,draw=blue,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,minimum height=6mm,minimum width=8mm},c/.style={cross=6pt}]
s,0 & 1,0 & 2,2 & 3,1 & 4,0 & 5,0 & 6,2 & e,1 \\
|[e]|1,0 & |[c]|2,2 & |[e]|5,1 & |[e]|2,0 & |[e]|6,2 & |[c]|3,2 & |[c]|e,0 & \\
|[e]|2,0 & |[e]|4,2 & |[c]|6,5 & |[e]|6,3 & |[e]|e,0 & |[e]|4,1 & & \\
|[e]|3,0 & |[c]|5,3 & & & & |[e]|e,0 & & \\
\draw[-] (m-1-1.south west) -- (m-1-8.south east);