当 `\begin{enumerate}` 后面跟着 `\ref{x}` 时,hyperref 会使 `\ref{x}` 指向 `\label{x}` 的最后一页(使用 enumerate 包)

当 `\begin{enumerate}` 后面跟着 `\ref{x}` 时,hyperref 会使 `\ref{x}` 指向 `\label{x}` 的最后一页(使用 enumerate 包)



  \chapter{first chapter}
  The reference to theorem \ref{thm:structureunoriented1} is correctly displayed (2.1 in this case) but points to the last page of the document with {\ttfamily warning  (pdf backend): unreferenced destination with name 'thm.2.1'} during compilation.
  \chapter{second chapter}
%%    \phantom{x}  % Uncommenting this line prevents the problem
        \item This is the part 1 of the theorem I want to refer to.
        \item This is the part 2 of the theorem I want to refer to.
  \chapter{third chapter}
  This is where I land when klicking on the reference.

