

我有一个 Bib(La)TeX 数据库,其中每个条目都是一本书/一个收藏,或者一个incollection项目。我想从这个数据库生成一个阅读列表,如果可以将同一本书/一个收藏中的所有项目聚集在一起,并在收藏条目后立即列出,那就很方便了。

有没有办法使用 BibLaTeX 来自动化这个操作?

例如,在下面的示例 bib 数据库中,有 one @bookand one@proceedings和 5 @incollections。我希望输出像这样列出

  Global analysis. Papers in honor of K. Kodaira. ....
    Atiyah, M. F., "The signature of fibre-bundles" ...
    Griffiths, P. A., "Hermitian differential geometry, Chern classes, and positive vector bundles" ...
    Hirzebruch, F., "The signature of ramified coverings" ...

  Proceedings of the 7th Congress (7ECM) held in Berlin, July 18--22, 2016 ...
    Baranov, A. and Belov, Y., "Spectral synthesis in Hilbert spaces of entire functions"...
    Savare, G., "Diffusion, optimal transport and Ricci curvature"...



  1. 首先对所有书籍/藏品进行排序
  2. 对于每本书/收藏,取出该收藏中的所有项目,对其进行排序,然后在该书/收藏的条目之后立即插入此条目列表。


@book {MR0253344,
     TITLE = {Global analysis. {P}apers in honor of {K}. {K}odaira.},
    EDITOR = {Spencer, D. C. and Iyanaga, S.},
 PUBLISHER = {University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo; Princeton University Press,
 N.J., },
      YEAR = {1969},
     PAGES = {v+414 pp. (1 plate)},
   MRCLASS = {57.00},
  MRNUMBER = {253344},

@incollection {MR0254864,
    AUTHOR = {Atiyah, M. F.},
     TITLE = {The signature of fibre-bundles.},
 BOOKTITLE = {Global {A}nalysis ({P}apers in {H}onor of {K}. {K}odaira)},
     PAGES = {73--84},
 PUBLISHER = {, },
      YEAR = {1969},
   MRCLASS = {57.30},
  MRNUMBER = {254864},
MRREVIEWER = {K.\ H.\ Mayer},

@incollection {MR0258060,
    AUTHOR = {Hirzebruch, F.},
     TITLE = {The signature of ramified coverings.},
 BOOKTITLE = {Global {A}nalysis ({P}apers in {H}onor of {K}. {K}odaira)},
     PAGES = {253--265},
 PUBLISHER = {, },
      YEAR = {1969},
   MRCLASS = {57.47},
  MRNUMBER = {258060},
MRREVIEWER = {M.\ F.\ Atiyah},

@incollection {MR0258070,
    AUTHOR = {Griffiths, Phillip A.},
     TITLE = {Hermitian differential geometry, {C}hern classes, and positive
 BOOKTITLE = {Global {A}nalysis ({P}apers in {H}onor of {K}. {K}odaira)},
     PAGES = {185--251},
 PUBLISHER = {, },
      YEAR = {1969},
   MRCLASS = {57.60 (53.00)},
  MRNUMBER = {258070},
MRREVIEWER = {R.\ L. E. Schwarzenberger},

@proceedings {MR3887693,
     TITLE = {European {C}ongress of {M}athematics},
 BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th {C}ongress (7{ECM}) held in {B}erlin,
              {J}uly 18--22, 2016},
    EDITOR = {Mehrmann, Volker and Skutella, Martin},
 PUBLISHER = {European Mathematical Society (EMS), Z\"{u}rich},
      YEAR = {2018},
     PAGES = {x+889},
      ISBN = {978-3-03719-176-7},
   MRCLASS = {00B20},
  MRNUMBER = {3887693},

@incollection {MR3887767,
    AUTHOR = {Baranov, Anton and Belov, Yurii},
     TITLE = {Spectral synthesis in {H}ilbert spaces of entire functions},
 BOOKTITLE = {European {C}ongress of {M}athematics},
     PAGES = {203--218},
 PUBLISHER = {Eur. Math. Soc., Z\"{u}rich},
      YEAR = {2018},
      ISBN = {978-3-03719-176-7},
   MRCLASS = {30D15 (47A10)},
  MRNUMBER = {3887767},
MRREVIEWER = {Lev\ Sergeevich\ Maergoiz},

@incollection {MR3887773,
    AUTHOR = {Savar\'{e}, Giuseppe},
     TITLE = {Diffusion, optimal transport and {R}icci curvature},
 BOOKTITLE = {European {C}ongress of {M}athematics},
     PAGES = {311--331},
 PUBLISHER = {Eur. Math. Soc., Z\"{u}rich},
      YEAR = {2018},
      ISBN = {978-3-03719-176-7},
   MRCLASS = {58J65 (53C21)},
  MRNUMBER = {3887773},

