LaTeX (TeXStudio) 包“Pygmentize”错误

LaTeX (TeXStudio) 包“Pygmentize”错误

下载 TeXstudio 的 Minted 和 Pygmentize 包后,我遇到错误:



\usepackage{minted, pygmentize}
        import numpy as np
        def incmatrix(genl1,genl2):
        m = len(genl1)
        n = len(genl2)
        M = None #to become the incidence matrix
        VT = np.zeros((n*m,1), int)  #dummy variable
        #compute the bitwise xor matrix
        M1 = bitxormatrix(genl1)
        M2 = np.triu(bitxormatrix(genl2),1) 
        for i in range(m-1):
        for j in range(i+1, m):
        [r,c] = np.where(M2 == M1[i,j])
        for k in range(len(r)):
        VT[(i)*n + r[k]] = 1;
        VT[(i)*n + c[k]] = 1;
        VT[(j)*n + r[k]] = 1;
        VT[(j)*n + c[k]] = 1;
        if M is None:
        M = np.copy(VT)
        M = np.concatenate((M, VT), 1)
        VT = np.zeros((n*m,1), int)
        return M


  1. 通过 Microsoft Store 安装了最新版本的 Python
  2. 使用 Windows PowerShell 安装 pygmentsPS C:\Users\mandjelo>python -m pip install pygments
  3. 收到终端的返回信息:
The script pygmentize.exe is installed in 'C:\Users\mandjelo\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python311\Scripts' which is not on PATH.
Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
  1. Windows 菜单 > 设置 > 关于 > 高级系统设置 > 环境变量 > 在系统变量中选择路径 > 从返回消息中列出的添加文件路径 在此处输入图片描述
  2. 在 TeXstudio 中打开一个新会话
  3. 开发了用户命令user0:graphviz-pdflatex txs:///pdflatex/[--shell-escape]来否定-shell-escapeMinted 的运行
  4. 使用以下代码构建\usepackage{minted, pygmentize}
  5. 批准下载相应软件包
  6. 从步骤 5 发起的用户命令
  7. 收到错误File 'pygmentize.sty' not found. \begin.



