

最近发表的一篇文章,@AWE 报告称在同一个文档中使用包versesongs会导致冲突:

软件包歌曲错误:在没有首先看到 \beginsong 行的情况下遇到了 \beginverse。


\newcommand{\attrib}[1]{\nopagebreak{\raggedleft\footnotesize #1\par}}


\settowidth{\versewidth}{Than Tycho Brahe, or Erra Pater:}
In mathematics he was greater \\
Than Tycho Brahe, or Erra Pater: \\
For he, by geometric scale, \\
Could take the size of pots of ale;\\
Resolve, by sines and tangents straight, \\
If bread or butter wanted weight; \\
And wisely tell what hour o’ the day \\
The clock does strike, by Algebra.
\attrib{Samuel Butler (1612--1680)}

\songsection{Worship Songs}

\beginsong{Doxology}[by={Louis Bourgeois and Thomas Ken},
                     sr={Revelation 5:13},
                     cr={Public domain.},
                     index={Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow}]
\[G]Praise God, \[D]from \[Em]Whom \[Bm]all \[Em]bless\[D]ings \[G]flow;
\[G]Praise Him, all \[D]crea\[Em]tures \[C]here \[G]be\[D]low;
\[Em]Praise \[D]Him \[G]a\[D]bove, \[G]ye \[C]heav'n\[D]ly \[Em]host;
\[G]Praise Fa\[Em]ther, \[D]Son, \[Am]and \[G/B G/C]Ho\[D]ly \[G]Ghost.


LaTeX 定义了一个环境verse,但两个软件包以不兼容的方式重新定义了它。要修复此问题,请按以下步骤操作:

  1. 首先加载verse包。

  2. 将环境重命名versepoemverse

  3. 加载songs包。

  4. 每当您需要包verse的环境时verse,请使用poemverse



\newcommand{\attrib}[1]{\nopagebreak{\raggedleft\footnotesize #1\par}}


\settowidth{\versewidth}{Than Tycho Brahe, or Erra Pater:}
In mathematics he was greater \\
Than Tycho Brahe, or Erra Pater: \\
For he, by geometric scale, \\
Could take the size of pots of ale;\\
Resolve, by sines and tangents straight, \\
If bread or butter wanted weight; \\
And wisely tell what hour o’ the day \\
The clock does strike, by Algebra.
\attrib{Samuel Butler (1612--1680)}

\songsection{Worship Songs}

\beginsong{Doxology}[by={Louis Bourgeois and Thomas Ken},
                     sr={Revelation 5:13},
                     cr={Public domain.},
                     index={Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow}]
\[G]Praise God, \[D]from \[Em]Whom \[Bm]all \[Em]bless\[D]ings \[G]flow;
\[G]Praise Him, all \[D]crea\[Em]tures \[C]here \[G]be\[D]low;
\[Em]Praise \[D]Him \[G]a\[D]bove, \[G]ye \[C]heav'n\[D]ly \[Em]host;
\[G]Praise Fa\[Em]ther, \[D]Son, \[Am]and \[G/B G/C]Ho\[D]ly \[G]Ghost.
