Biblatex \autocite 需要适应 b=tufte-book 中年份作者的嵌套脚注

Biblatex \autocite 需要适应 b=tufte-book 中年份作者的嵌套脚注


  • autocite=footnote常规文本中的简单引用作为旁注(与tufte 样式自动生成)和
  • 脚注中的简单引用。



% \documentclass[a4paper,openany,nobib]{tufte-book}  
    % \usepackage{filecontents}
      author = {Author, A.},
      year = {2001},
      title = {Alpha},
      author = {Poet, B.},
      year = {2002},
      title = {Beta},



\null\vfill% just for the example

Some text with a reference \autocite{A01} which should become a sidenote i.e. 1 and the sidenote should say: (Author 2001) .

Some more text with a citation which should become a footnote or sidenote saying: Author 2001, Poet 2002 \autocite{A01, B02}.

Some text with a footnote \footnote{A footnote with \autocite{B02}.} which should say: 1 A footnote with (Poet 2002).

And some text with a footnote with two citations \footnote{Two citations\autocite{B02, A01}} which should say: 2 Two citations(Poet 2002; Author 2001).



另外:我已经添加了第二个 bib 条目,但找不到它。那里出了什么问题?




\usepackage[style=authoryear, autocite=footnote]{biblatex}

    \def\baselinestretch {\setspace@singlespace}%
    \@tufte@margin@par% use parindent and parskip settings for marginal text
       \csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark%
         \ignorespaces #2%



Some text with a reference \autocite{sigfridsson}

Some more text with a citation\autocite{sigfridsson, nussbaum}.

Some text with a footnote \footnote{A footnote with \autocite{nussbaum}.}

And some text with a footnote with two citations \footnote{Two citations\autocite{nussbaum, sigfridsson}}


1 Sigfridsson 和 Ryde 1998。 2 Sigfridsson 和 Ryde 1998;Nussbaum 1978。 3 脚注(Nussbaum 1978)。 4 两处引文(Nussbaum 1978;Sigfridsson 和 Ryde 1998)

