是否可以调整 \theoremstyle,以便在调用时设置其一个或两个现有参数?

是否可以调整 \theoremstyle,以便在调用时设置其一个或两个现有参数?
\usepackage[fleqn]{amsmath} %
\usepackage{amsthm,amssymb} %
\usepackage{xcolor} %
\usepackage[a4,frame,cam,center]{crop} %
\usepackage{libertine} %

\definecolor{DarkRed}{rgb}{0.45,0.06,0.06} %

% Theorem - Theorem - Theorem - Theorem - Theorem - Theorem - Theorem - Theorem - Theorem - Theorem - Theorem %
{4pt} % this does not appear to have any effect
{4pt} % this does not appear to work any effect
{\normalfont} %
{-6pt} %
{\libertineSB} %
{\\[4.2pt]} % can this parameter be set to a #1 integer value so as to be set at the point of call?
{0pt} %
    \thmnumber{\hspace{2.8pt}#2}}} %
    \normalfont\thmnote{ \hspace{1.2pt}- \hspace{1.2pt}#3} }%
\theoremstyle{stacktheorem} %
\newtheorem{stacktheorem}{Stack theorem}
\renewcommand{\thestacktheorem}{[\hspace{1.1pt}\arabic{stacktheorem}\hspace{1.2pt}]} % formats the label number


\pagenumbering{arabic} % 1, 2, ...
\chapter*{Chapter One}
\section*{Section One}

\begin{stacktheorem}[can the vertical space between this note]

{and this line be set until the point of call\hspace{1.6pt}?}


