使用 Lawtex 每行 66 个字符

使用 Lawtex 每行 66 个字符

我正在写一份法律摘要,希望使用 latex劳特克斯。Lawtex 效果很好,只是我正在写一封简报,需要一行中的字符(包括空格)不超过 66 个字符且不超过 14pt。我试过了;

  • \fontsize{大小}{跳过},
  • \usepackage{任意字体大小}
  • scrartcl
  • 并在帖子中找到了建议 每行强制 66 个字符

我希望得到最后一个选项 每行强制 66 个字符 可以工作,但也许我遗漏了什么,因为我无法让它工作。添加它后什么都没有改变。在 MS Word 或 Libre Office Writer(首选)中使用 14pt 和 .3 扩展间距可以工作,但不能处理引用(至少我不知道如何在文字处理器中使引用工作)。

所以我的问题是,由于我无法让宏(强制每行 66 个字符)与 lawtex 包一起工作。我做错了什么?有没有更好的解决方法?任何帮助都将不胜感激。这是一个例子。但我需要它每行不超过 66 个字符,边距为 1 英寸,字体为 14pt Times New Roman。



%\documentclass[12pt, letterpaper]{scrartcl}





 On July 11, 2016, approximately between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.,
 plaintiff Goldi Locks participated in a yoga class at Forest
 Park Plaza in Pretend Ville, New Jersey. (Pa2; Pa14). At the end
 of class, plaintiff was unable to find a ride home. (Pa2; Pa14).
 She decided to walk home, although it was hot and humid that
 day, about 90 degrees Fahrenheit. (Pa2; Pa14).
 At about 1:45 p.m., plaintiff was mid-way home and was
 walking on Warm Welcome Avenue in Fairytale, Mercer County, New
 Jersey. (Pa3). Plaintiff felt fatigued and hungry and decided to
 look for a place to stop and get rest and food before continuing
 her walk home. (Pa3; Pa13). At about 1:55 p.m., plaintiff came
 across a building with an open door and mat that said "WELCOME
 FRIENDS." (Pa3; Pa13). There were no signs on the property
 indicating the building was private or warning people to keep
 off of the property. (Pa3; Pa13; Pa23).
 Plaintiff entered the building, hoping to get food and
 rest. (Pa3; Pa13). There were no people in the building, but
 plaintiff found three different sized bowls of porridge on a
 counter. (Pa3; Pa13). Since plaintiff was hungry, she decided to
 try a spoonful of porridge from the largest bowl first, but it
 was too hot and she burned her tongue. (Pa3; Pa13). Plaintiff
 then tried the porridge in the mid-sized bowl and it was too
 cold. (Pa3; Pa13). Plaintiff finally tried the porridge in the
 smallest bowl and exclaimed, "Yummy! This one is just
 right!" (Pa3; Pa13).

\end{document} ```


您提到您在文字处理器上使用了扩大间距。您对您加载的 执行类似的操作microtype,但是...由于您指定的边距为 1 英寸,因此输出并不漂亮。

为了接近每行 66 个字符,我需要



On July 11, 2016, approximately between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., 
 plaintiff Goldi Locks participated in a yoga class at Forest 
 Park Plaza in Pretend Ville, New Jersey. (Pa2; Pa14). At the end 
 of class, plaintiff was unable to find a ride home. (Pa2; Pa14). 
 She decided to walk home, although it was hot and humid that
 day, about 90 degrees Fahrenheit. (Pa2; Pa14).
 At about 1:45 p.m., plaintiff was mid-way home and was
 walking on Warm Welcome Avenue in Fairytale, Mercer County, New
 Jersey. (Pa3). Plaintiff felt fatigued and hungry and decided to
 look for a place to stop and get rest and food before continuing
 her walk home. (Pa3; Pa13). At about 1:55 p.m., plaintiff came
 across a building with an open door and mat that said "WELCOME
 FRIENDS." (Pa3; Pa13). There were no signs on the property
 indicating the building was private or warning people to keep
 off of the property. (Pa3; Pa13; Pa23).
 Plaintiff entered the building, hoping to get food and
 rest. (Pa3; Pa13). There were no people in the building, but
 plaintiff found three different sized bowls of porridge on a
 counter. (Pa3; Pa13). Since plaintiff was hungry, she decided to
 try a spoonful of porridge from the largest bowl first, but it
 was too hot and she burned her tongue. (Pa3; Pa13). Plaintiff
 then tried the porridge in the mid-sized bowl and it was too
 cold. (Pa3; Pa13). Plaintiff finally tried the porridge in the
 smallest bowl and exclaimed, "Yummy! This one is just
 right!" (Pa3; Pa13).



正如评论中所说,我忽略了使用 14pt 字体的可能性。因此,这里有一个 14pt 的版本(使用扩展尺寸包装)。字母间距可以更小,但在我看来,增加的间距仍然使得文本难以阅读。




如果您愿意使用不同于 的字体times,输出效果会更加美观。例如,下面使用 Libre Baskerville 字体(比 Times 宽很多)和不太大的字母间距。结合双倍间距,它实际上看起来很正常。




\noindent On July 11, 2016, approximately between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., 
 plaintiff Goldi L...

