在 Acrobat 中删除黑色分隔后,白色镂空文本打印在方框底部

在 Acrobat 中删除黑色分隔后,白色镂空文本打印在方框底部

我正在使用tcolorbox来解决颜色框内的挖空文本问题。当我取消选择“分离PDF 中的“选项输出预览,打印有白色文字的盒子背景。






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  The distribution of data is really a theoretical concept
that is usually an assumption underlying any statistical test. In
informal terms, the distribution is the probability that particular
values of data are likely to turn up. To make this more concrete,
let's start with one of the simplest types of data, Likert item data,
where people respond with numbers between 1 (strongly disagree) and
5 (strongly agree).}



使用 pdfmanagement(您加载的\DocumentMetadata)您可以执行以下操作:


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  The distribution of data is really a theoretical concept
that is usually an assumption underlying any statistical test. In
informal terms, the distribution is the probability that particular
values of data are likely to turn up. To make this more concrete,
let's start with one of the simplest types of data, Likert item data,
where people respond with numbers between 1 (strongly disagree) and
5 (strongly agree).}

  The distribution of data is really a theoretical concept
that is usually an assumption underlying any statistical test. In
informal terms, the distribution is the probability that particular
values of data are likely to turn up. To make this more concrete,
let's start with one of the simplest types of data, Likert item data,
where people respond with numbers between 1 (strongly disagree) and
5 (strongly agree).}


