我试图在附录页面插入一个长字表,该表包含 40 多个调查问题。但是,我收到了类似这样的信息,截图如下:
Item & Questionnaire Items & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Questionnaire \\ Contents\end{tabular}} \\ \hline \endfirsthead
\multicolumn{3}{c}{{\bfseries Table \thetable\ continued from previous page}} \\ \hline Item & Questionnaire Items & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Questionnaire \\ Contents\end{tabular}} \\ \hline \endhead
\hline \endfoot \endlastfoot
Self-Efficacy & SE1 & To what extend do you feel comfortable with online learning environments during the COVID-19 pandemic period? \\
& SE2 & How comfortable are you in using learning management platform? (e.g. Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard, etc.)? \\
& SE3 & Please rate the effectiveness of your learning when using e-learning system during the COVID-19 pandemic. \\
& SE4 & I believe that I can achieve my learning goals using online learning environments effectively. \\
& SE5 & My self-efficacy in online learning positively impacts my motivation to participate actively in courses. \\
Anxiety & AX1 & Working on a computer during the lockdown makes me feel uncomfortable and stressed. \\
& AX2 & I experience feelings of anxiety and stress while using the online learning system during the lockdown. \\
& AX3 & I find it challenging to cope with the demands of technology usage during the lockdown. \\
& AX4 & I feel confident and at ease when operating computer-based tools and applications during the lockdown. \\
& AX5 & The use of digital devices and online platforms adds to my overall stress levels during the lockdown. \\ \hline
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文档类并在 MWE(最小工作示例)中添加编译表格所需的包。因此,您的实际文档表格可能会有所不同。
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell}
\begin{xltabular}{\linewidth}{l c >{\RaggedRight}X}
Item & \makecell{Questionnaire\\ Items}
& \makecell{Questionnaire\\ Contents} \\
Item & \makecell{Questionnaire\\ Items}
& \makecell{Questionnaire\\ Contents} \\
& SE1 & To what extend do you feel comfortable with online learning environments during the COVID-19 pandemic period?
& SE2 & How comfortable are you in using learning management platform? (e.g. Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard, etc.)?
& SE3 & Please rate the effectiveness of your learning when using e-learning system during the COVID-19 pandemic.
& SE4 & I believe that I can achieve my learning goals using online learning environments effectively.
& SE5 & My self-efficacy in online learning positively impacts my motivation to participate actively in courses.
Anxiety & AX1 & Working on a computer during the lockdown makes me feel uncomfortable and stressed.
& AX2 & I experience feelings of anxiety and stress while using the online learning system during the lockdown.
& AX3 & I find it challenging to cope with the demands of technology usage during the lockdown.
& AX4 & I feel confident and at ease when operating computer-based tools and applications during the lockdown.
& AX5 & The use of digital devices and online platforms adds to my overall stress levels during the lockdown.
% copy, that table is longer than one page
Anxiety & AX1 & Working on a computer during the lockdown makes me feel uncomfortable and stressed.
& AX2 & I experience feelings of anxiety and stress while using the online learning system during the lockdown.
& AX3 & I find it challenging to cope with the demands of technology usage during the lockdown.
& AX4 & I feel confident and at ease when operating computer-based tools and applications during the lockdown.
& AX5 & The use of digital devices and online platforms adds to my overall stress levels during the lockdown.
\UseTblrLibrary{amsmath, booktabs}
entry=none, % <---
label=none, % <---
]{colspec = { Q[l] Q[c] X[cmd=\RaggedRight] },
row{1} = {m},
rowhead = 1
% column headers
Item & {Questionnaire\\ Items}
& Questionnaire Contents \\
& SE1 & To what extend do you feel comfortable with online learning environments during the COVID-19 pandemic period?
& SE2 & How comfortable are you in using learning management platform? (e.g. Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard, etc.)?
& SE3 & Please rate the effectiveness of your learning when using e-learning system during the COVID-19 pandemic.
& SE4 & I believe that I can achieve my learning goals using online learning environments effectively.
& SE5 & My self-efficacy in online learning positively impacts my motivation to participate actively in courses.
Anxiety & AX1 & Working on a computer during the lockdown makes me feel uncomfortable and stressed.
& AX2 & I experience feelings of anxiety and stress while using the online learning system during the lockdown.
& AX3 & I find it challenging to cope with the demands of technology usage during the lockdown.
& AX4 & I feel confident and at ease when operating computer-based tools and applications during the lockdown.
& AX5 & The use of digital devices and online platforms adds to my overall stress levels during the lockdown.
% copy, that table is longer than one page
Anxiety & AX1 & Working on a computer during the lockdown makes me feel uncomfortable and stressed.
& AX2 & I experience feelings of anxiety and stress while using the online learning system during the lockdown.
& AX3 & I find it challenging to cope with the demands of technology usage during the lockdown.
& AX4 & I feel confident and at ease when operating computer-based tools and applications during the lockdown.
& AX5 & The use of digital devices and online platforms adds to my overall stress levels during the lockdown.
- 两种情况下表格水平线均使用
包中定义的规则。 - 在第二个例子中,表格(符合我的口味)更好一些,代码更简单,但编译需要花费更多时间。