ot-tableau 中的两个输入,带有编号输入和候选

ot-tableau 中的两个输入,带有编号输入和候选

我打算制作一个以 tikzpictures 为候选的 tableau。现在我想为输入(1 和 2)和候选(a、b、c)都编号——我试过使用,mcand但它说它未定义。


\inp{1. \ips{ \begin{tikzpicture} 
                \node (mora1) at (0,0.5) {$\mu$};
                \node(add) at (0.5, 0.5) {+};
                %\node (c) at (-0.2,0) {t};
                \node (v1) at (0,0) {o};
                \node (l) at (0,1.1) {$\texttt{H}$};
                \node (q) at (1, 0.5) {$\mu$};
                \node (ql) at (1, 1.1) {$\texttt{L}$};
                \draw (v1) to (mora1) to (l);
                \draw (q) to (ql);

                \node (mora1) at (0,0.5) {$\mu$};
                \node (v1) at (0,0) {o};
                \node (l) at (0,1.1) {$\texttt{L}$};
                \draw (v1) to (mora1);
                \draw (mora1) to (l);
                \end{tikzpicture}} \vio{} \vio{}\vio{*!}  \vio{*}

                    \node (a) at (0.25,-0.05) {o};
                    %\node (v1) at (-0.1,-0.05) {t};
                    \node (mora1) at (0,0.5) {$\mu$};
                    \node (mora2) at (0.5,0.5) {$\mu$};
                    \node (t) at (0.25,1.1) {$\texttt{H}$};
                    \draw (a) to (mora1) to (t);
                    \draw (a) to (mora2) to (t);
                    \vio{}\vio{} \vio{*!} \vio{} 
                    \node (a) at (0.25,-0.05) {o};
                    %\node (v1) at (-0.1,-0.05) {t};
                    \node (mora1) at (0,0.5) {$\mu$};
                    \node (mora2) at (0.5,0.5) {$\mu$};
                    \node (t) at (0,1.1) {$\texttt{H}$};
                    \node (t2) at (0.5,1.1) {$\texttt{L}$};
                    \draw (a) to (mora1) to (t);
                    \draw (a) to (mora2) to (t2);
                    \vio{}\vio{} \vio{} \vio{} 

\inp {$2.$\ips{\begin{tikzpicture} 
                \node (mora1) at (0,0.5) {$\mu$};
               \node(add) at (0.35, 0.5) {+};
                %\node (c) at (-0.2,0.05) {b};
                \node (v1) at (0,0) {a};
                \node (l) at (0,1.1) {$\texttt{L}$};
                \node (q) at (0.7, 0.5) {$\mu$};
                \node (ql) at (0.7, 1.1) {$\texttt{L}$};
                \draw (v1) to (mora1);
                \draw (q) to (ql);
                \draw (mora1) to (l);

                \node (mora1) at (0,0.5) {$\mu$};
                %\node (c) at (-0.2,0.05) {b};
                \node (v1) at (0,0) {a};
                \node (l) at (0,1.1) {$\texttt{L}$};
                \draw (v1) to (mora1);
                \draw (mora1) to (l);
                \node (mora1) at (0,0.5) {$\mu$};
                %\node (mora2) at (0.5,0.5){$\mu_2$};
                \node (mora3) at (0.5,0.5) {$\mu$};
                %\node (c) at (-0.2,0.05) {b};
                \node (v1) at (0.25,0) {a};
                \node (t1) at (0,1.1){\texttt{L}};
                \node (t2) at (0.5,1.1){\texttt{L}};
                %\node (r) at (1,0) {r};
                \draw (v1) to (mora1) to (t1);
                %\draw (v1) to (mora2) to (t1);
                \draw (v1) to (mora3) to (t2);

                %&$$#\node (c) at (-0.2,0.05) {b};
                \node (v1) at (0.25,0) {a};
                    \node (mora1) at (0,0.5) {$\mu$};
                    \node (mora2) at (0.5,0.5) {$\mu$};
                    \node (t) at (0.25,1.1) {$\texttt{L}$};
                    \draw (a) to (mora1) to (t);
                    \draw (a) to (mora2) to (t);

这就是我现在所拥有的: 在此处输入图片描述
