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%\include{Publications Related to Thesis}
In recent years, the rapid advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized various industries, and one of the most promising applications lies in healthcare, especially for the senior citizen population. With the global population aging at an unprecedented rate, the need for innovative solutions to cater to the healthcare needs of elderly individuals has become increasingly pressing. This thesis focuses on the development of IoT-based healthcare systems tailored for senior citizens, addressing critical challenges such as mobility assistance, fall detection, and fall prevention.\\
The first component of this thesis revolves around the creation of a low-cost smart walking assistant, designed to enhance the mobility and independence of seniors. By incorporating sensor-based technology, this system aims to provide real-time support and feedback to elderly individuals during their daily walks, ensuring a safer and more confident experience.\\
The second aspect of this thesis tackles the specific issue of fall detection, which is particularly pertinent for patients with Parkinson's disease. Through the utilization of smartphone-based sensors and intelligent algorithms, a fall detection system will be developed, offering timely alerts to caregivers or medical professionals, ultimately reducing the fear of falling and enhancing the overall quality of life for Parkinson's patients.\\
Lastly, the thesis delves into the creation of an indigenous fall prevention system, specially designed to address the unique needs of senior citizens. This system, characterized by its affordability and ease of use, aims to empower elderly individuals in preventing falls, thereby mitigating potential injuries and improving their sense of security.\\
In conclusion, this thesis endeavors to contribute to the well-being of senior citizens by presenting low-cost, sensor-based, and user-friendly IoT solutions, focusing on enhancing mobility, reducing fear of falling, and preventing falls. These innovations hold great promise in improving the quality of life for lonely seniors, while also providing caregivers and healthcare professionals with valuable tools to monitor and assist this vulnerable population.

Write Motivation of the research work
Write the thesis contribution
\section{Organization of thesis}
Brief description of chapters in the thesis.
\subsection{Chapter 2: Literature Survey}
\subsection{Chapter 3:}
\subsection{Chapter 4:}
\subsection{Chapter 5:}
\subsection{Chapter 6:}
\subsection{Chapter 7:}


