

我想写一个方程,其行为类似于 inline-math,相对于水平对齐(即,方程的左边缘是它之前的文本结束的地方;而它之后的文本缩进,因此它从方程后面开始),但类似于 display-math,相对于垂直对齐(方程位于两行文本之间,数学是\displaystyle


... in the middle of some paragraph explaining whatever maths is
happening so we get
                     T = EQUATION
                                   such that this line continues
where we left off...



这是一个令人惊讶的复杂问题,但却是可行的,并且解决方案将很好地展示 TeX 的显示机制。


  • 首先,方程式预先组合在一个单独的框中,以便我们可以确定它的维度。
  • 然后,我们尝试通过操作来确保方程有足够的空间\parfillskip
  • 我们将预先组合好的盒子放在普通的显示器中,并使用和参数手动设置其尺寸和\displayindent定位\displaywidth
  • 一旦我们进入显示屏,就可以找到等式前面的线的长度\predisplaysize
  • 最后,我们以适当的缩进开始下一行。

\parfillskip和 之间的相互作用\predisplaysize尤其微妙:

  • 首先,我们设置\parfillskip为等式的宽度,加上无限拉伸。这确保我们有足够的空间,但可能会导致线条过满。
  • 为此,我们添加一个收缩等于等式的宽度。这可以防止行过满,但又会使我们无法保证有足够的空间。
  • 现在,奇妙的是,当且仅当 中没有应用无限拉伸时, TeX 才会设置\predisplaysize为。因此,通过这个值,我们现在可以知道是否已经留出了足够的空间。\maxdimen\parfillskip


\usepackage{polyglossia, unicode-math}


% extra horizontal and vertical spacing
\newskip \inlineEqHskip
    \inlineEqHskip = 4pt plus 2pt
\newskip \inlineEqVskip
    \inlineEqVskip = 4pt plus 2pt

% registers for storing intermediate results
\newdimen \inlineEqWidth
\newbox \inlineEqBox

\newenvironment{inline equation}
% code for the \begin of the environment
    {\ifvmode % special case: no paragraph text preceding the equation
        % compensate for the following \strut
        \kern -\ht\strutbox
        \kern -\dp\strutbox
        % start a paragraph
        \kern -\inlineEqHskip
    % spacing before the equation
    \unskip \nobreak % prevent line breaks here
    \hskip\inlineEqHskip % horizontal space
    \strut % make previous spaces undiscardable
    % store the equation in a box
    \setbox\inlineEqBox = \hbox\bgroup
        $\displaystyle} % start of box contents
% code for the \end of the environment
    {$\egroup % close the box we opened above
    \begingroup % assignments will be local by default
    % adjust vertical spacing (note that we are inside a group)
    \abovedisplayskip = \inlineEqVskip
    \belowdisplayskip = \inlineEqVskip
    % ensure there is enough space left for this equation:
    % the ‘minus’ part prevents overfull line messages
    \parfillskip = \wd\inlineEqBox plus 1 fill minus \wd\inlineEqBox
    $$ % open the real equation so we can change the display spacing variables
    \displaywidth = \wd\inlineEqBox % otherwise equal to the line width
    \ifdim \predisplaysize < \maxdimen % true if we have enough room
        \advance \predisplaysize by -2em % tex adds 2em by itself
        \advance \displayindent by \predisplaysize
    \else % edge case: the equation cannot fit on the line
        % this causes the \parfillskip to have no infinite stretch applied,
        % which makes TeX set \predisplaysize to \maxdimen
        \predisplaysize = 0pt
    % calculate the offset of the next line
    \global \inlineEqWidth = \dimexpr
        \wd\inlineEqBox + \predisplaysize + \inlineEqHskip \relax
    % add the box we made and close the equation
    \box \inlineEqBox $$
    % start the next line
    \strut \hskip \inlineEqWidth % horizontal space
    \allowbreak % the equation may end a line
    \endgroup \ignorespaces}

% example paragraphs


An example,
\begin{inline equation}
    1 + 1 + 1 = 3,
\end{inline equation}
of an inline display equation.


At the end of a line, however, or with a very long equation,
\begin{inline equation}
    1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5,
\end{inline equation}
you may run into trouble and, though we can detect this situation, it will not 
look very nice.


\begin{inline equation}
    1 + 1 = 2
\end{inline equation}
Starting a paragraph with an inline display is also detectable, but hard to 
find an appropriate solution for.



