我想将我的词汇表作为字符串添加到脚注中。因此,我拼凑了以下 MWE。
\let\thempfn\relax% Remove footnote number printing mechanism
\footnotetext[0]{#1}% Print footnote text
\newacronym{dag}{DAG}{directed acyclic graphic}
\newacronym{usa}{USA}{United States of America}
\author{Me \and I}
This is my banger of a first sentence, it's absolutely glorious.\chapternote{\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,style=long,title={}]}
The \gls{usa} can be visualised in a \gls{dag}.
这有几个问题,因为缺少词汇表标题会留下相当多的空白,而我宁愿没有这种情况。此外,此代码实际上不会生成内联词汇表,而只是传统的两列列表 - 我如何将输出更改为“DAG - 有向无环图,美国 - 美利坚合众国”之类的内容。
\let\thempfn\relax% Remove footnote number printing mechanism
\footnotetext[0]{#1}% Print footnote text
\newacronym{dag}{DAG}{directed acyclic graph}
\newacronym{usa}{USA}{United States of America}
% Define a command to format glossary entries
\@ \acrshort{##1} -- \glsdesc{##1},%
\author{Me \and I}
This is my banger of a first sentence, it's absolutely glorious.
The \gls{usa} can be visualized in a \gls{dag}.