LyLuaTex 填充问题

LyLuaTex 填充问题

LyLuaTex 输出中的音乐在左侧有额外的水平填充,使得音乐相对于文档“缩进”。

% !TEX TS-program = LuaLaTeX


\title{lyLua\Tex\ Problems}




There is extra space between the end of text and beginning of in-line music. I don't understand:\lilypond{\new RhythmicStaff {\time 3/4 c4( c16) c c c c c c c \bar "|."}}. I don't understand.

The same is true for an engraved score. See example below:\par
Start slowly and then increase in ascending until you reach the forte, then decrease in descending until you reach the piano. Then repeat the scales (always in groups of three) with the colors in reverse, that is to start strong and decrease ifno to the floor in ascending, then increase to the strong in descending.

\header {
  title = "C Major Scale"

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"
\relative c' {

  \clef F 
  c,4-1\p\<\startGroup_\markup{gr. 3} d-2 e-3\stopGroup f-1\startGroup_\markup{gr. 4} g-2 a-3 b-4 \stopGroup
  \clef G
  c4-1\startGroup_\markup{gr. 3} d-2 e-3\stopGroup f-1\startGroup_\markup{gr. 4}
  g-2 a-3 b-4\stopGroup c-1\startGroup_\markup{gr. 3}
  d-2 e-3\stopGroup f-1\startGroup_\markup{gr. 4+1} g-2 a-3 b-4 c-5\f\!\stopGroup b-4\>\startGroup_\markup{gr. 4} a-3
  g-2 f-1\stopGroup e-3\startGroup_\markup{gr. 3} d-2 c-1\stopGroup b-4\startGroup_\markup{gr. 4} a-3 g-2 f-1\stopGroup e-3\startGroup_\markup{gr. 3} d-2 c-1\stopGroup
  \clef F b-4\startGroup_\markup{gr. 4} a-3 g-2 f-1\stopGroup e-3\startGroup_\markup{gr. 3} d-2 c-1\p\!\stopGraceMusic r

Perform loudly with the right hand and softly with the left hand, then vice versa. Then switch the \textit{crescendo} and \textit{diminuendo} between the two hands.


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问题似乎出在突起的计算上。为了快速修复,它帮助我将 的第 310 行更改为如下(实际上将任何突起设置为 0):

local h_offset = indent_offset
