如何排版 talltblr 的评论和注释,如最后一行

如何排版 talltblr 的评论和注释,如最后一行


MWE 是:


\usepackage[a5paper]{geometry}                  % a5 paper
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}                     % input encoding
\usepackage[english]{babel}                     % localization
\usepackage{caption}                            % caption control
\usepackage{indentfirst}                        % first line indent
\usepackage{tabularray}                         % tabularray package
\usepackage[unicode=true,                       % unicode encoded pdf strings
            colorlinks=true,                    % use colored links
            linkcolor=black,                    % color of links

             {labelsep=period,                  % caption separation for tables
              position=t,                       % caption position for tables
              justification=raggedright,        % caption alignment for tables
              singlelinecheck=off,              % don't center single line table captions
              aboveskip=0.5em}                  % above skip for table captions


% Period separator
\DefTblrTemplate { caption-sep } { mycapsep } { .\enskip }

% My own caption template
\DefTblrTemplate { caption } { mycaption }
    \UseTblrAlign { caption }
    \UseTblrIndent { caption }
    \UseTblrHang { caption }
    \makebox [ \linewidth ] [ l ]
        \parbox { \textwidth }
            \UseTblrTemplate { caption-tag } { default }
            \UseTblrTemplate { caption-sep } { mycapsep }
            \UseTblrTemplate { caption-text } { default }

% Tabularray theme using mycaption template
\NewTblrTheme { mycaptiontheme }
    \SetTblrTemplate { caption } { mycaption }



       [theme = mycaptiontheme,
        caption = {Simple floating three part table with two or more notes},
        label = {tab:table-simple-mycaption-notes},
        note{1} = {The first note text. And a long line of dummy text.},
        note{2} = {The first note text. And a long line of dummy text.}]
       {colspec = {ccc},
        row{1} = {font=\bfseries},
        hline{1,2,Z} = {1pt},
        vlines = {1pt},
        hspan = minimal}
  Head:A    & Head:B    & Head:C    \\
  A1        & B1        & C1        \\
  A2        & B2        & C2        \\
  A3        & B3        & C3        \\

       [theme = mycaptiontheme,
        caption = {Simple floating three part table with two or more notes},
        label = {tab:table-simple-mycaption-note},
        remark{Note} = {The single note text.
                        And a long line of dummy text.
                        And another long line of dummy text.}]
       {colspec = {ccc},
        row{1} = {font=\bfseries},
        hline{1,2,Z} = {1pt},
        vlines = {1pt},
        hspan = minimal}
  Head:A    & Head:B    & Head:C    \\
  A1        & B1        & C1        \\
  A2        & B2        & C2        \\
  A3        & B3        & C3        \\


布局: 两张带有注释的表格



