在 FancyHdr 中运行自定义标记

在 FancyHdr 中运行自定义标记


例如,如果一页以第 2 章第 6 节开始并以第 3 章第 4 节结束,则其内容为 2:6 – 3:4。

我已经包含了 MWE。


% \usepackage{polyglossia}

% \setmainlanguage{syriac}

% \setmainfont[BoldFont={DejaVu Serif Bold}]{Serto Antioch Bible}

% Make Counters for Chapters and Verses


% Make Bible Chapter and Verses

  \stepcounter{bibchapter}% Increment the counter
  {\centering{#1}}% Center the chapter title


\stepcounter{bibver}% Increment the counter

% Make Book Title in English and Syriac


% Make Header with Chapter and Verses



% \newcommand{\mymarks}{%
%   \ifthenelse{\equal{\leftmark}{\rightmark}}
%     {\rightmark} % if equal
%     {%
%      \ifthenelse{\equal{\leftmark}{\chaptermark}}
%        {\rightmark--\bibvermark} % if not equal, and bibchapter is the same
%        {\chaptermark--\rightmark} % if not equal, and bibchapter is different
%     }%
% }

% Command to Format the Footnotes

























