


\wrapMyMacro{somearbitrarymacro}{some options}



\cacheMe[some options]{


\somearbitrarymacro<more options>{foo}[bar]


\cacheMe[some options, more options]{

可能吗?我想只要我设法将宏的选项列表获取为字符串,例如 |{foo}[bar]|,就可以获得此结果。



%% My library
  \str_set:Nn \l_tmp_str {#2}
  We ~ will ~ cache ~ \texttt{\l_tmp_str} ~ with ~ options ~ \texttt{#1}.

%% Arbitrary macro I don't know the definition

  My arbitrary (#2) macro says ``#1''.

%% User ca


\somearbitrarymacro{hey alice}[options]

\cacheMe[cache options1, cache options2]{\somearbitrarymacro{hey alice}[options]}

%%% How to get this same result using:
% \wrapMyMacro{somearbitrarymacro}{cache options1}
% \somearbitrarymacro{hey alice}[options]
% \somearbitrarymacro<cache options2>{hey alice}[options]


编辑我以为这个解决方案有效,但实际上并非如此。值得注意的是,参数发生了奇怪的事情:如果我使用 tokenize,那么我无法使用结果pgfkeys,而如果没有 tokenize,它会过早直接扩展参数或使哈希值翻倍……但作为参考,这是我的尝试:


\usepackage{xparse-arglist} %% copy .sty from https://github.com/sasozivanovic/memoize/blob/master/xparse-arglist.sty

%% My library
  \str_set:Nn \l_tmp_str {#2}
  We ~ will ~ cache ~ \texttt{\l_tmp_str} ~ with ~ options ~ \texttt{#1}.

%% Arbitrary macro I don't know the definition

  My arbitrary (#2) macro says ``#1'' with a last argument (#3).


\somearbitrarymacro{hey alice}[options]

\cacheMe[cache options1, cache options2]{\somearbitrarymacro{hey alice}[options]}

%%% How to get this same result using:

%% User ca


%% The idea of the library is that it builds a string like
%% [#2]<#3>{#4}
%% in order to generate something like
%% \NewDocumentCommand{\myfunction}{D<>{}O{coucou}D<>{yes}m}
%% {
%%  \cacheMe[#1]{\myfunction[#2]<#3>{#4}}
%% }
%% Since the very first occurrence of D is not forwarded to the function
%% we discard it:
%% The first argument of \xp@arglist@D is the number of the argument
%% so #2#####1#3 reads as #2 = <, #### = #, #1 = > #3 = value if none that can be discarded since it is already part of the argument spec.
    \ifnum #1=1 % If it is the first argument D, then we do not add anything to the argument string
    \else #2#####1#3\fi}\xp@arglist{#1}%

  %% We get the specification of the command, like "O{}mm"
    \expandafter\GetDocumentCommandArgSpec\csname #1\endcsname%
      \expandonce{\csname #1\endcsname}%
        % todo: add a hook for users setup; prevent user from changing \MemoizeWrapper?
          \noexpand\noexpand\expandonce{\csname #1\endcsname}%



\cacheCommand{somearbitrarymacro}{global options}
\somearbitrarymacro{hey Bob}[options]
\somearbitrarymacro{Default charlie}
\somearbitrarymacro<local options>{hey alice}[INTERNAL options]<Last arg>


作为参考,.sty 文件包含:



  \ifcsname xp@arglist@#2\endcsname
    \csname xp@arglist@#2\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endcsname

% \xp@arglist@...: #1 = the argument number
\def\xp@arglist@v#1{{Handled commands with verbatim arguments are not
    supported}\xp@arglist{#1}} % error
\def\xp@arglist@b#1{{This is not the way to handle
    environment}\xp@arglist{#1}} % error
% e,E: Embellishments are not supported.
% > Argument processors are not supported. And how could they be?
\def\xp@arglist@error#1.{{Unknown argument type}}



\usepackage{xparse-arglist} %% copy .sty from https://github.com/sasozivanovic/memoize/blob/master/xparse-arglist.sty

%% My library
  \str_set:Nn \l_tmp_str {#2}
  \str_set:Nn \l_tmp_opt_str {#1}
  We ~ will ~ cache ~ \texttt{\l_tmp_str} ~ with ~ options ~ \texttt{\l_tmp_opt_str}.

%% Arbitrary macro I don't know the definition

  My arbitrary (#2) macro says ``#1'' with a last argument (#3).


\newcommand{\myMacroNotDefinedWithNewDocumentCommand}[3][default value]{
  Optional argument 1: #1,
  Argument 2: #2,
  Argument 3: #3 (\fromWhere).

% \somearbitrarymacro{hey alice}[options]

% \cacheMe[cache options1, cache options2]{\somearbitrarymacro{hey alice}[options]}

%%% How to get this same result using:

%% User ca


%% The idea of the library is that it builds a string like
%% [#2]<#3>{#4}
%% in order to generate something like
%% \NewDocumentCommand{\myfunction}{D<>{}O{coucou}D<>{yes}m}
%% {
%%  \cacheMe[#1]{\myfunction[#2]<#3>{#4}}
%% }
%% Since the very first occurrence of D is not forwarded to the function
%% we discard it:
%% The first argument of \xp@arglist@D is the number of the argument
%% so #2#####1#3 reads as #2 = <, #### = #, #1 = > #3 = value if none that can be discarded since it is already part of the argument spec.
    \ifnum #1=1 % If it is the first argument D, then we do not add anything to the argument string
    \else #2#####1#3\fi}\xp@arglist{#1}%

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \str_replace_all:Nnn { Nnx }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \str_replace_all:Nnn { cnx }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \str_replace_all:Nnn { cxx }
\cs_set:Nn \str_set_hash_robust:Nn {
  \str_set:Nn {#1} {#2}
  \str_replace_all:Nnx {#1} { ## } { \c_hash_str }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \str_set_hash_robust:Nn { cn }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \str_set_hash_robust:Nn { cx }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn\tl_rescan:nn { nv }

  \str_set_hash_robust:Nn \l_robExt_tmp_str {#1}
  \tl_rescan:nv {}{ l_robExt_tmp_str }

%% After the first expansion, this will look like:
% \DeclareDocumentCommand \myMacroNotDefinedWithNewDocumentCommand {D<>{}O{default value}mm}{
%   \edef \mmz@marshal {
%     \noexpand \cacheMe [latex,#1]{
%       \noexpand \myMacroNotDefinedWithNewDocumentCommand \unexpanded {}\unexpanded {[#2]}\unexpanded {{#3}}\unexpanded {{#4}}
%     }
%   }
%     \show\mmz@marshal
%   % <--- this will be equal after the second expansion to:
%   % \cacheMe [latex,]{ \myMacroNotDefinedWithNewDocumentCommand [default value]{Second arg}{Last arg} }
%   \mmz@marshal
% }
  %% We get the specification of the command, like "O{}mm"
    \expandafter\GetDocumentCommandArgSpec\csname #1\endcsname%
      \expandonce{\csname #1\endcsname}%
        % todo: add a hook for users setup; prevent user from changing \MemoizeWrapper?
        \noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\robExtRescanAndHalveHashes{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\cacheMe[\detokenize{#3}, \noexpand\detokenize{####1}]{%
          \noexpand\noexpand\expandonce{\csname #1\endcsname}%
      % For debug
  % for debug



\cacheCommand{somearbitrarymacro}{global options}
\somearbitrarymacro{hey Bob}[options]
\somearbitrarymacro{Default charlie}
\somearbitrarymacro<local options>{hey alice}[INTERNAL options]<Last arg>

\cacheCommand{myMacroNotDefinedWithNewDocumentCommand}[O{default value}mm]{latex, \latex}
\myMacroNotDefinedWithNewDocumentCommand{Second arg}{Last arg}\\
\myMacroNotDefinedWithNewDocumentCommand<disable externalization>{second arg}{last arg}


作为参考,.sty 文件包含:



  \ifcsname xp@arglist@#2\endcsname
    \csname xp@arglist@#2\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endcsname

% \xp@arglist@...: #1 = the argument number
\def\xp@arglist@v#1{{Handled commands with verbatim arguments are not
    supported}\xp@arglist{#1}} % error
\def\xp@arglist@b#1{{This is not the way to handle
    environment}\xp@arglist{#1}} % error
% e,E: Embellishments are not supported.
% > Argument processors are not supported. And how could they be?
\def\xp@arglist@error#1.{{Unknown argument type}}
