指定 latex 表的列宽和居中垂直对齐

指定 latex 表的列宽和居中垂直对齐



    \caption{Comparison of the median simulated settling time, normalized path length, and final angular velocity of the minimize-torque controller, maximize-force controller, and greedy controller with $q=0$, $q=1$, and $q=3$, using a gentle position controller ($\alpha = 0.99$) and one that is approximately $3\times$ more aggressive ($\alpha = 0.97$). For each metric, the lowest (i.e., best) value is denoted with an $\ast$, and the values of the other controllers are shown as multiples of the respective lowest value. 
    \begin{tabular}{\textwidth} { |c|c|c|c|c|c|c| }\hline
        \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{} & Min-Torque & Max-Force & Greedy, $q = 0$ & Greedy, $q = 1$ & Greedy, $q = 3$  \\
        \multirow{2}{6.3em}{Settling Time} &  $\alpha = 0.97$  & 1.46 & 1.04 & 1.04 & * & 1.41  \\
         &  $\alpha = 0.99$  & 1.45 & 1.05 & 1.05 & * & 1.41 \\
        \multirow{2}{6.3em}{Normalized Path Length} &  $\alpha = 0.97$  & 1.09 & * & * & 1.02 & 1.07  \\
         &  $\alpha = 0.99$  & 1.08 & * & * & 1.01 & 1.07 \\
        \multirow{2}{6.3em}{Final Angular Velocity} &  $\alpha = 0.97$  & * & 9.14 & 11.58 & 9.33 & 9.29  \\
         &  $\alpha = 0.99$  & * & 9.10 & 10.06 & 9.08 & 9.79 \\




    \caption{Comparison of the median simulated settling time, normalized path length, and final angular velocity of the minimize-torque controller, maximize-force controller, and greedy controller with $q=0$, $q=1$, and $q=3$, using a gentle position controller ($\alpha = 0.99$) and one that is approximately $3\times$ more aggressive ($\alpha = 0.97$). For each metric, the lowest (i.e., best) value is denoted with an $\ast$, and the values of the other controllers are shown as multiples of the respective lowest value. 
    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth} { 
      | >{\centering\arraybackslash}X 
      | >{\centering\arraybackslash}X
      | >{\centering\arraybackslash}X
      | >{\centering\arraybackslash}X
      | >{\centering\arraybackslash}X
      | >{\centering\arraybackslash}X
      | >{\centering\arraybackslash}X | }\hline

        \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{} & Min-Torque & Max-Force & Greedy, $q = 0$ & Greedy, $q = 1$ & Greedy, $q = 3$  \\
        \multirow{2}{6.3em}{Settling Time} &  $\alpha = 0.97$  & 1.46 & 1.04 & 1.04 & * & 1.41  \\
         &  $\alpha = 0.99$  & 1.45 & 1.05 & 1.05 & * & 1.41 \\
        \multirow{2}{6.3em}{Normalized Path Length} &  $\alpha = 0.97$  & 1.09 & * & * & 1.02 & 1.07  \\
         &  $\alpha = 0.99$  & 1.08 & * & * & 1.01 & 1.07 \\
        \multirow{2}{6.3em}{Final Angular Velocity} &  $\alpha = 0.97$  & * & 9.14 & 11.58 & 9.33 & 9.29  \\
         &  $\alpha = 0.99$  & * & 9.10 & 10.06 & 9.08 & 9.79 \\






\caption{Comparison of the median simulated settling time, normalized path length, and final angular velocity of the minimize-torque controller, maximize-force controller, and greedy controller with $q=0$, $q=1$, and $q=3$, using a gentle position controller ($\alpha = 0.99$) and one that is approximately three times more aggressive ($\alpha = 0.97$). For each metric, the lowest (i.e., best) value is denoted with an asterisk, and the values of the other controllers are shown as multiples of the respective lowest value. }

\begin{tblr}{hlines, vlines,
             colspec = {X[2,l] c *{5}{X[c, m]}},
             row{3}  = {mode=math},
             cell{1}{1,2}  = {r=3}{},
             cell{1}{3}    = {c=5}{},
             cell{2}{3,4}  = {r=2}{},
             cell{2}{5}    = {c=3}{},
             cell{even}{1} = {r=2}{}
    &   $\alpha$ 
            &   Controller type     
                    &       &       &       &       \\
    &       &   Min  Torque
                    &   Max  Force
                            &   Greedy   
                                    &       &       \\
    &       &       &       & q = 0 & q = 1 & q = 3 \\
Settling Time 
    & 0.97  & 1.46  & 1.04  & 1.04  & *     & 1.41  \\
    & 0.99  & 1.45  & 1.05  & 1.05  & *     & 1.41  \\
Normalized Path Length
    & 0.97  & 1.09  & *     & *     & 1.02  & 1.07  \\
    & 0.99  & 1.08  & *     & *     & 1.01  & 1.07  \\
Final Angular Velocity 
    & 0.97  & *     & 9.14  & 11.58 & 9.33  & 9.29  \\
    & 0.99  & *     & 9.10  & 10.06 & 9.08  & 9.79  \\



Overleaf 在 \end{tblr} 行上给我以下错误:“package xcolor 错误:未定义颜色‘模式’。” 我还想去掉黑线。任何帮助都将不胜感激。

另外,我显然需要一些帮助才能让代码在此处显示为代码,而不仅仅是难以阅读的文本。我在文本编辑器中单击表示“代码示例”的 {} 符号,然后将代码粘贴到它所显示的位置,但它仍然显示为文本。有什么帮助吗?


像这样?请注意,我 (a) 为标题材料提供了更多结构,并且 (b) 通过删除所有垂直规则并使用更少但间距适当的水平规则,为表格提供了更开放的“外观”。



\newcommand\mytabL[1]{\smash[b]{\begin{tabular}[t]{@{} l @{}} #1 \end{tabular}}}
\newcommand\mytabC[1]{\smash[b]{\begin{tabular}[t]{@{} c @{}} #1 \end{tabular}}}



\caption{Comparison of the median simulated settling time, normalized path length, and final angular velocity of the minimize-torque controller, maximize-force controller, and greedy controller with $q=0$, $q=1$, and $q=3$, using a gentle position controller ($\alpha = 0.99$) and one that is approximately three times more aggressive ($\alpha = 0.97$). For each metric, the lowest (i.e., best) value is denoted with an asterisk, and the values of the other controllers are shown as multiples of the respective lowest value. }

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l c CCCCC @{}}
& $\alpha$ & \multicolumn{5}{c@{}}{Controller type}\\
 & & \mytabC{Min-\\Torque} & \mytabC{Max-\\Force} & \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{Greedy}\\
& & & &  $q = 0$ &  $q = 1$ &  $q = 3$  \\
    \mytabL{Median simul.\\settling time} &   0.97  & 1.46 & 1.04 & 1.04 & * & 1.41  \\
     &   0.99  & 1.45 & 1.05 & 1.05 & * & 1.41 \\
    \mytabL{Normalized\\path length} &   0.97  & 1.09 & * & * & 1.02 & 1.07  \\
     &   0.99  & 1.08 & * & * & 1.01 & 1.07 \\
    \mytabL{Final angular\\ velocity} &   0.97  & * & 9.14 & 11.58 & 9.33 & 9.29  \\
     &   0.99  & * & 9.10 & 10.06 & 9.08 & 9.79 \\



由于您希望表格中包含所有行,因此该tabularray包可能会派上用场。使用它并在需要的地方定义多行单元格,MWE 可以细化为:

\UseTblrLibrary{amsmath, booktabs}

\caption{Comparison of the median simulated settling time, normalized path length, and final angular velocity of the minimize-torque controller, maximize-force controller, and greedy controller with $q=0$, $q=1$, and $q=3$, using a gentle position controller ($\alpha = 0.99$) and one that is approximately three times more aggressive ($\alpha = 0.97$). For each metric, the lowest (i.e., best) value is denoted with an asterisk, and the values of the other controllers are shown as multiples of the respective lowest value. }

\begin{tblr}{hlines, vlines,
             colspec = {X[2,l] c *{5}{X[c, m]}},
             row{3}  = {mode=math},
             cell{1}{1,2}  = {r=3}{},
             cell{1}{3}    = {c=5}{},
             cell{2}{3,4}  = {r=2}{},
             cell{2}{5}    = {c=3}{},
             cell{even}{1} = {r=2}{}
    &   $\alpha$ 
            &   Controller type     
                    &       &       &       &       \\
    &       &   Min  Torque
                    &   Max  Force
                            &   Greedy   
                                    &       &       \\
    &       &       &       & q = 0 & q = 1 & q = 3 \\
Median simul. settling time
    & 0.97  & 1.46  & 1.04  & 1.04  & *     & 1.41  \\
    & 0.99  & 1.45  & 1.05  & 1.05  & *     & 1.41  \\
Normalized espace
    & 0.97  & 1.09  & *     & *     & 1.02  & 1.07  \\
    & 0.99  & 1.08  & *     & *     & 1.01  & 1.07  \\
Final angular velocity
    & 0.97  & *     & 9.14  & 11.58 & 9.33  & 9.29  \\
    & 0.99  & *     & 9.10  & 10.06 & 9.08  & 9.79  \\


如果您希望在表格中包含所有规则,可以使用 来创建表格{NiceTabular}。但是,与许多人一样,我建议使用精神的nicematrix版本。booktabsbooktabs



\caption{Comparison of the median simulated settling time, normalized path length, and final angular velocity of the minimize-torque controller, maximize-force controller, and greedy controller with $q=0$, $q=1$, and $q=3$, using a gentle position controller ($\alpha = 0.99$) and one that is approximately three times more aggressive ($\alpha = 0.97$). For each metric, the lowest (i.e., best) value is denoted with an asterisk, and the values of the other controllers are shown as multiples of the respective lowest value. }

\begin{NiceTabular}{X[2,l] c *{5}{X[c, m]}}[hvlines,cell-space-limits=2pt]
\Block{3-1}{} & \Block{3-1}{$\alpha$} 
            &   \Block{1-*}{Controller type} \\
    &       &   \Block{2-1}{Min  Torque}
                    &   \Block{2-1}{Max  Force}
                            &   \Block{1-*}{Greedy} \\
    &       &       &       & $q = 0$ & $q = 1$ & $q = 3$ \\
\Block{2-1}{Median simul. settling time}
    & 0.97  & 1.46  & 1.04  & 1.04  & *     & 1.41  \\
    & 0.99  & 1.45  & 1.05  & 1.05  & *     & 1.41  \\
\Block{2-1}{Normalized espace}
    & 0.97  & 1.09  & *     & *     & 1.02  & 1.07  \\
    & 0.99  & 1.08  & *     & *     & 1.01  & 1.07  \\
\Block{2-1}{Final angular velocity}
    & 0.97  & *     & 9.14  & 11.58 & 9.33  & 9.29  \\
    & 0.99  & *     & 9.10  & 10.06 & 9.08  & 9.79  \\



