


In the mathematical discipline of graph theory the Tutte-
Berge formula is a characterization of the size of a maximum matching in a 
graph. It is a generalization of Tutte theorem on perfect matchings, and is 
named after W. T. Tutte (who proved Tutte's theorem) and Claude Berge (who 
proved its generalization).

The size of a maximum matching of a graph $G=(V, E)$ equals
\frac{1}{2} \min _{U \subseteq V}(|U|-\operatorname{odd}(G-U)+|V|),
where odd $(H)$ counts how many of the connected components of the graph $H$ 
have an odd number of vertices.



  • 为什么第 5 行和第 6 行之间存在明显的行号差距,而没有任何行号标记?


  • 为什么行号 5 和 6 也标记为红色?我希望它们保持黑色。

虽然我可以调整的位置 {\color{red}},但是定理 1红色的变成了黑色。我希望它是红色的。

{\color{red} The size of a maximum matching of a graph $G=(V, E)$ equals
\frac{1}{2} \min _{U \subseteq V}(|U|-\operatorname{odd}(G-U)+|V|),
where odd $(H)$ counts how many of the connected components of the graph $H$ 
have an odd number of vertices.}



首先,$$...$$LaTeX 文档不支持它,而且lineno对此无能为力。

手册建议用 包裹显示屏linenomath*





In the mathematical discipline of graph theory the Tutte-
Berge formula is a characterization of the size of a maximum matching in a 
graph. It is a generalization of Tutte theorem on perfect matchings, and is 
named after W. T. Tutte (who proved Tutte's theorem) and Claude Berge (who 
proved its generalization).

The size of a maximum matching of a graph $G=(V, E)$ equals
\frac{1}{2} \min _{U \subseteq V}(|U|-\operatorname{odd}(G-U)+|V|),
where $\operatorname{odd}(H)$ counts how many of the connected components of the graph $H$ 
have an odd number of vertices.




\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}% normal theorems
\newtheorem{redtheorem}[theorem]{Theorem}% red theorems

还请注意\operatorname{odd}必须总是被使用并且odd $(H)$会产生非常有争议的输出。
