spath3 导致 TeX Live 2020 软件包 pgfkeys 出现错误

spath3 导致 TeX Live 2020 软件包 pgfkeys 出现错误

我想报告我的用户在使用我的 Python 软件创建的 TeX (LaTeX) 文件时遇到的错误。我正在使用spath3Andrew Stacey 的包来保存和重复使用路径。我不能使用我的设备重现此错误:

  • 带有 MiKTeX 版本 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.25(MiKTeX 23.5)的 Windows 10
  • Ubuntu 桌面 22.04.3 LTS 搭载 TeX Live 2022


  • Debian 与 TeX Live2020(TeX Live 2020/Debian)

pdflatex <filename>.tex我的软件只是在生成的文件上发出 Python命令.tex。他的设置在TeX Live 2020/Debian其文件末尾写入以下内容.log,但无法创建 PDF 文件:

! Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tikz/spath/use', to which you 
passed 'PMdusk', and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it.

See the pgfkeys package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.1033 [spath/use=PMdusk]
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 17965 strings out of 481252
 373338 string characters out of 5915889
 979391 words of memory out of 5000000
 34602 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
 410105 words of font info for 46 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
 87i,8n,88p,1058b,1013s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s

!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

然而 - 我不明白的是,当他手动运行时pdflatex <filename>.tex它成功了,创建 PDF 文件。也许是可用内存的问题。由于他的设备在大西洋彼岸,我无法进行任何测试,也无法使用 TeX Live 重现它2022

以下是示例文件中导致问题的关键部分.tex。抱歉,请注意,无论是我还是用户都无法将其归结为 MWE。感谢spath3Andrew Stacey 的帮助。

% save PM dusk decoration path using the spath3 library
 \path[spath/save=PMdusk] plot[smooth,tension=0.5] coordinates{
(0.000, 11.995) (0.695, 12.099) (1.390, 12.220) (2.085, 12.349) (2.780, 12.481) 
(3.475, 12.611) (4.170, 12.738) (4.865, 12.860) (5.560, 12.982) (6.255, 13.103) 
(6.950, 13.226) (7.645, 13.352) (8.340, 13.480) (9.035, 13.605) (9.730, 13.725) 
(10.425, 13.829) (11.120, 13.909) (11.815, 13.957) (12.510, 13.965) (13.205, 13.931) 
(13.900, 13.856) (14.595, 13.745) (15.290, 13.604) (15.985, 13.440) (16.680, 13.259) 
(17.375, 13.069) (18.070, 12.874) (18.765, 12.681) (19.460, 12.496) (20.155, 12.324) 
(20.850, 12.172) (21.545, 12.044) (22.240, 11.949) (22.935, 11.890) (23.630, 11.870) 
(24.325, 11.892) (25.020, 11.951) (25.367, 11.993) };
% decorate PM dusk with text aligned left
\path [decorate,decoration={text along path,raise=-2.4ex,text align={left indent=1.112cm},text={|\PMstyle|D U S K~~~at latitude 40.0{°}N~~~(Sun 6{°} below horizon)}}]
% decorate PM dusk with text aligned right
\path [decorate,decoration={text along path,raise=-2.4ex,text align={right, right indent=1.112cm},text={|\PMstyle|D U S K~~~at latitude 40.0{°}N~~~(Sun 6{°} below horizon)}}]

PS 我找不到spath3标签。
