为什么使用 tcolorbox 包时会出现“TeX 容量超出”错误

为什么使用 tcolorbox 包时会出现“TeX 容量超出”错误

对于我编写的包(schemabloc -https://ctan.org/pkg/schemabloc) 运行正常,但是当我使用它来显示 Tikz 代码示例时,tcolorbox 包出现了问题。

我从包中提取了似乎导致问题的两个函数。带星号的 \sbComp*... 命令版本系统地显示了错误

TeX 容量超出,抱歉 [grouping levels=255]。\pgf@setlengthorig #1#2->\begingroup \pgfutil@selectfont \pgf@setlengthorig ...

你能看一下代码,看看问题出在哪里吗(我在使用 showexpl 包时也遇到了错误(https://www.ctan.org/pkg/showexpl))




\newtcblisting{tikzexample}[1][]{tikz lower, 
           listing side text, fonttitle=\bfseries,
           bicolor, colback=blue!15!white, colbacklower=white,
           colframe=black, righthand width=0.5\textwidth, #1}


    \node [coordinate, name=#2] at (#1) {};
\node(#2droite) at (#2){};



    \node [draw, circle,minimum size=2em, right of=#3droite%
,node distance=#1em] (#2) {};
     \node [draw, cross out,minimum size=1.414em,
     right of=#3droite,node distance=#1em] {};
     \node [above of=#2,node distance=0.6em,inner sep=0] {$#4$};
     \node [below of=#2,node distance=0.6em,inner sep=0] {$#5$};
     \node [left of=#2,node distance=0.6em,inner sep=0] {$#6$};
     \node [right of=#2,node distance=0.6em,inner sep=0] {$#7$};
\node (#2droite) at (#2.east){};
\node (#2gauche) at (#2.west){};

    \node [draw, circle,minimum size=1.5em, right of=#3,node distance=#1em,] (#2) {};
    \node [ fit=(#2),inner sep=0.5em] (compext)  {};
\node at( compext.75){$#4$};
\node at( compext.-75){$#5$};
\node at( compext.165){$#6$};
\node at( compext.15){$#7$};
\node (#2droite) at (#2.east){};
\node (#2gauche) at (#2.west){};





\begin{tikzexample}[title=Commande  , listing outside text, righthand width=0.45\textwidth,]


% code that doesn't work%
%\begin{tikzexample}[title=Commande  , listing outside text, righthand width=0.45\textwidth,]



不要嵌套tikzpicture环境。tikz lower已经tikzpicture在框的下部放置了一个环境,因此您需要从代码中完全省略它或将其注释掉。


  tikz lower, 
  listing side text, 
  righthand width=0.5\textwidth,


  \node [coordinate, name=#2] at (#1) {};
  \node(#2droite) at (#2){};


  \node [draw, circle,minimum size=2em, right of=#3droite,node distance=#1em] (#2) {};
  \node [draw, cross out,minimum size=1.414em,right of=#3droite,node distance=#1em] {};
  \node [above of=#2,node distance=0.6em,inner sep=0] {$#4$};
  \node [below of=#2,node distance=0.6em,inner sep=0] {$#5$};
  \node [left of=#2,node distance=0.6em,inner sep=0] {$#6$};
  \node [right of=#2,node distance=0.6em,inner sep=0] {$#7$};
  \node (#2droite) at (#2.east){};
  \node (#2gauche) at (#2.west){};

  \node [draw, circle,minimum size=1.5em, right of=#3,node distance=#1em] (#2) {};
  \node [ fit=(#2),inner sep=0.5em] (compext)  {};
  \node at( compext.75){$#4$};
  \node at( compext.-75){$#5$};
  \node at( compext.165){$#6$};
  \node at( compext.15){$#7$};
  \node (#2droite) at (#2.east){};
  \node (#2gauche) at (#2.west){};





\begin{tikzexample}[title=Commande  , listing outside text, righthand width=0.45\textwidth,]
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%   \end{tikzpicture}


% code that doesn't work%
\begin{tikzexample}[title=Commande  , listing outside text, righthand width=0.45\textwidth,]
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%   \end{tikzpicture}


tcolorboxes 之外编译的图片
