Latex 块引用未输出到 Pandoc Word

Latex 块引用未输出到 Pandoc Word

我正在尝试格式化我用 LaTeX 撰写的论文,但无法让 Pandoc 正确传递我的块引用。



Beginning this dissertation by defining covenant is necessary for two
reasons.  First, covenant is foundational to this dissertation.  I
cannot argue for anything based off of covenant until it is well
understood.  Second, and perhaps more importantly, covenant is clearly
a central theme of Scripture.  As Williamson puts it:
Covenant is without doubt one of the most important motifs in Biblical
theology, attested to not only by the traditional labels applied to
the respective parts of the Christian Bible, but also by the fact that
the concept looms large at important junctures throughout the Bible.
It underpins God’s relationship with Noah, Abraham, Israel, the
Levitical priesthood and the Davidic dynasty.  It is also used with
respect to God’s relationship with the reconstituted `Israel' of the
future.  Therefore, while `Biblical' and `covenant theology' must
certainly not be confused as synonymous, covenant is indisputably one
of the Bible’s core theological themes.\footcites[][

\section{Biblical Accounts of Covenant}
The number of covenants between God and his people explicitly attested
to in Scripture is debated.  Some covenants are explicitly called
`covenant' in Scripture.  Others are not thus called in but yet retain
all the forms.  Of the covenants explicitly labeled \emph{berith}
there are at least five, but there may be as many as ten.  At a
minimum God has made covenants with Noah, Abraham and the patriarchs,
Israel through Moses, David, and the people in the New covenant.


我使用以下命令通过 pandoc 创建我的 Word 文件

pandoc -s Compile-This2.tex --reference-doc=/home/dan/Documents/Academic-Writing/dissertation/submissions/reference.docx --citeproc --bibliography=/home/dan/Documents/Academic-Writing/bibliography/general.bib --csl=/home/dan/Documents/Academic-Writing/dissertation/turabian-fullnote-bibliography-8th-edition.csl -o minimal.docx --verbose

参考文档内置了块引用和引用环境,并具有正确的格式。但是,输出文件应该将第二段设为块引用,但实际却并非如此。输出如下所示: 此 word 文档

我也尝试了多种不同的 LaTeX 设置,但似乎都没有传递到 word 文档。例如,使用\begin{blockquote}just 在 Pandoc 中输出跳过。


文档页面pandoc 列出了 pandoc 使用的不同段落样式。

对于quoteLaTeX 中的环境,其块文本Word 中的段落样式,可以通过reference-doc模板进行更改。

只需打开参考 .docx 文件并编辑块文本样式以满足您的需要。如果您随后加载它来格式化 Word 输出文件,则应使用适合的引号样式。

