

我有一个节点和一些辅助节点(标签或不太重要的节点)。现在,如果我想允许用户通过样式自定义主节点和子节点,则用户需要编写类似 的内容main/.style={style main node}, subnode1/.style={style subnode},但我更希望将其编写为style main node, subnode1/.style={style subnode}。我很好奇:这可能吗?我想我需要以某种方式从主样式中提取一些键,或者以某种方式将全局定义subnode1为全局样式(似乎每个节点都创建一个组?)。




  /first group of styles/.cd,
  cool fill color/.style={fill=pink},
  .search also={/tikz},% order is important

  /second group of styles/.cd,
  cool shape/.style={draw,rounded corners},
  label style/.style={},
  label text/.store in=\labelText,
  load defaults/.append style={
    label text={Default label},
  .search also={/tikz},

    inner sep=3mm,
    .search also={/second group of styles,/first group of styles,/tikz},
    /second group of styles/load defaults,
    % What is below is both ugly and failing
      %%% Why is this needed?? Can I avoid it?
    "\globalLabelText" {%
      .search also={/first group of styles, /second group of styles,/tizk},      
      % Whyy can't I set the style? Again a scope problem?
      label style
  \node[anchor=north] at (base.south){

    cool fill color,
    cool shape,
    label text=My label,
    my style/.style={scale=3},
    label style/.style={red, my style},


编辑 似乎 pgf 过滤库为此提供了工具,但我的答案被删除了。
