我有这个 LaTeX 代码:
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{book}
%%% Packages
\usepackage[margin = 20mm]{geometry}
%%% Macors
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after skip = 5mm,
enhanced,% more control tools
frame hidden,% hie defalut border of the box
top = 9mm, % offset the text from top edge
interior style = {left color = blue!10!white,
right color = blue!10!white,
middle color = blue!30!white,}, % box background color
sharp corners, %set all corners to be sharp (to edit later)
arc = 7mm, rounded corners = downhill, % set radius and corners to be rounded
attach boxed title to top center={yshift = -5mm},% add title box
fonttitle = \bfseries ,% bold text
coltitle = black,% title text color
boxed title style = {frame hidden, arc = 3mm, sharp corners, rounded corners = uphill,
interior style={top color = blue!10!white,
bottom color = blue!10!white,
middle color = blue!30!white},},
title = {First Language ~ Second Language ~ Third Language},]
\begin{minipage}{0.30\textwidth} #1 \end{minipage}%
\begin{minipage}{0.30\textwidth} \color{blue!60!black}{#2} \end{minipage}%
\begin{minipage}{0.30\textwidth} #3 \end{minipage}%
\item \tlitem{A sentence in First Language}
{The sentence in other Language}
{And the sentence in third Language}
\item \tlitem{A sentence in First Language}
{The sentence in other Language}
{And the sentence in third Language}
\item \tlitem{A sentence in First Language}
{The sentence in other Language}
{And the sentence in third Language}
\item \tlitem{A sentence in First Language}
{The sentence in other Language}
{And the sentence in third Language}
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{book}
%%% Packages
\usepackage[margin = 20mm]{geometry}
%%% Macors
\begin{tcolorbox}[breakable,% allow a box to spread over mor than one page
after skip = 5mm,
enhanced,% more control tools
frame hidden,% hie defalut border of the box
top = 9mm, % offset the text from top edge
interior style = {left color = blue!10!white,
right color = blue!10!white,
middle color = blue!30!white,}, % box background color
sharp corners, %set all corners to be sharp (to edit later)
arc = 7mm, rounded corners = downhill, % set radius and corners to be rounded
attach boxed title to top center={yshift = -5mm},% add title box
fonttitle = \bfseries ,% bold text
coltitle = black,% title text color
boxed title style = {frame hidden, arc = 3mm, sharp corners, rounded corners = uphill,
interior style={top color = blue!10!white,
bottom color = blue!10!white,
middle color = blue!30!white},},
title = {First Language ~ Second Language ~ Third Language},]
\newif \ifaimssep
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\begin{minipage}{0.30\textwidth} #1 \end{minipage}%
\begin{minipage}{0.30\textwidth} \color{blue!60!black}{#2} \end{minipage}%
\begin{minipage}{0.30\textwidth} #3 \end{minipage}%
\tlitem{A sentence in First Language}
{The sentence in other Language}
{And the sentence in third Language}
\tlitem{A sentence in First Language}
{The sentence in other Language}
{And the sentence in third Language}
\tlitem{A sentence in First Language}
{The sentence in other Language}
{And the sentence in third Language}
\tlitem{A sentence in First Language}
{The sentence in other Language}
{And the sentence in third Language}