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\caption{previously published works on the field of sensitivity analysis of WT}\label{tab:literature1}
\textbf{Author}     & \textbf{Publisher} & \textbf{Year}  &  \textbf{Method} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{WS range}} &  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Aim and key points}} \\ 
Kusiak      & ASME    & 2010 & GSA & In three WS categories: 3.5-7, 7-12, and 12-15 m/s & Investigated the relationship between vibrations and various wind turbine parameters \\
McKay  & Wiley  & 2014 & GSA & Changing & Base on Extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity, and explored parameter changes in the WTs.  \\ 
Ziegler & Elsevier   & 2015  & L/GSA & -- & Identified mean sea level (MSL) and wave peak period (Tp) as significant factors influencing fatigue loads, using both LSA and GSA.  \\
Alavi   & Elsevier & 2016 & GSA & changing & Explored sensitivity in four wind speed models, considering the accuracy of measured wind data and evaluating goodness-of-fit with nine metrics.   \\
Echeverría   & Wiley & 2017 & GSA & Changing 3 to 14 m/s & Used for screening to simplify complex models and provided a list of non-affecting variables. \\
Hübler   & Elsevier & 2017 & GSA & Two wind speeds of 11 and 35 m/s &  Proposed a new four-step sensitivity analysis technique, aiming for a balance between computational efficiency and model complexity.  \\
Robertson, Shaler   & Copernicus & 2019-21 & GSA &  &   Utilized the elementary effect method to study parameters influencing turbine loads. \\
Carta   & Elsevier & 2020 & GSA & changing &  Investigated uncertainties in parameters and found that wind speed, active power set-point, and turbulence intensity accounted for over 98\% of the response model variation.  \\
Moghadam   & Elsevier & 2021 & LSA & Average of 11 m/s & Utilized local sensitivity analysis based on partial derivatives to simplify and derive a closed-form expression.   \\
Biazar   & Wiley & 2022 & GSA & In two regions of FL with a speed of 22 m/s and PL with a speed of 11 m/s &  Examined sensor bias errors on wind turbines using the Monte Carlo method in different regions. In the PL region, errors affect all sensors similarly, especially impacting power output. However, in the FL region, the generator speed sensor error has the most significant impact on WT power output.  \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Current study}  & GSA & Changing continuously 5 to 20 m/s which include both PL and FL regions &   Focus on the precision of the sensors of a wind turbine in order to \\







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\caption{previously published works on the field of sensitivity analysis of WT}\label{tab:literature1}
\textbf{Author}     & \textbf{Publisher} & \textbf{Year}  &  \textbf{Method} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{WS range}} &  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Aim and key points}} \\ 
Kusiak      & ASME    & 2010 & GSA & In three WS categories: 3.5-7, 7-12, and 12-15 m/s & Investigated the relationship between vibrations and various wind turbine parameters \\
McKay  & Wiley  & 2014 & GSA & Changing & Base on Extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity, and explored parameter changes in the WTs.  \\ 
Ziegler & Elsevier   & 2015  & L/GSA & -- & Identified mean sea level (MSL) and wave peak period (Tp) as significant factors influencing fatigue loads, using both LSA and GSA.  \\
Alavi   & Elsevier & 2016 & GSA & changing & Explored sensitivity in four wind speed models, considering the accuracy of measured wind data and evaluating goodness-of-fit with nine metrics.   \\
Echeverría   & Wiley & 2017 & GSA & Changing 3 to 14 m/s & Used for screening to simplify complex models and provided a list of non-affecting variables. \\
Hübler   & Elsevier & 2017 & GSA & Two wind speeds of 11 and 35 m/s &  Proposed a new four-step sensitivity analysis technique, aiming for a balance between computational efficiency and model complexity.  \\
Robertson, Shaler   & Copernicus & 2019-21 & GSA &  &   Utilized the elementary effect method to study parameters influencing turbine loads. \\
Carta   & Elsevier & 2020 & GSA & changing &  Investigated uncertainties in parameters and found that wind speed, active power set-point, and turbulence intensity accounted for over 98\% of the response model variation.  \\
Moghadam   & Elsevier & 2021 & LSA & Average of 11 m/s & Utilized local sensitivity analysis based on partial derivatives to simplify and derive a closed-form expression.   \\
Biazar   & Wiley & 2022 & GSA & In two regions of FL with a speed of 22 m/s and PL with a speed of 11 m/s &  Examined sensor bias errors on wind turbines using the Monte Carlo method in different regions. In the PL region, errors affect all sensors similarly, especially impacting power output. However, in the FL region, the generator speed sensor error has the most significant impact on WT power output.  \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Current study}  & GSA & Changing continuously 5 to 20 m/s which include both PL and FL regions &   Focus on the precision of the sensors of a wind turbine in order to \\



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\usepackage{geometry}   % for determining page layout, which is unknown
\sisetup{range-units = single,
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         range-phrase = - }

\caption{previously published works on the field of sensitivity analysis of WT}
\begin{tblr}{hline{1,Z} = 1pt, hline{2}=0.5pt, 
             colsep  = 3pt,
             colspec = {@{} Q[l, wd=16mm] ccc  
                            Q[l, wd=32mm, cmd={\linespread{0.84}\relax}] 
                            X[j, cmd={\linespread{0.84}\relax}]  @{}},
             row{1}  = {font=\bfseries}
Author      & Publisher     & Year  & Method    & WS range  & Aim and key points        \\
Kusiak      & ASME          & 2010  & GSA       & In three WS categories: 3.5-7, 7-12, and \qtyrange{12}{15}{\metre\per\second} 
                                                            & Investigated the relationship between vibrations
                                                              and various wind turbine parameters \\
McKay       & Wiley         & 2014  & GSA       & Changing  & Base on Extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity, 
                                                              and explored parameter changes in the WTs.  \\
Ziegler     & Elsevier      & 2015  & L/GSA     & --        & Identified mean sea level (MSL)
                                                              and wave peak period (Tp) as significant factors influencing fatigue loads, using both LSA and GSA.  \\
Alavi       & Elsevier      & 2016  & GSA       & changing  & Explored sensitivity in four wind speed models, considering
                                                              the accuracy of measured wind data and evaluating goodness-of-fit with nine metrics.   \\
Echeverría  & Wiley         & 2017  & GSA       & Changing \qtyrange{3}{14}{\metre\per\second}
                                                            & Used for screening to simplify complex models and provided a list
                                                              of non-affecting variables. \\
Hübler      & Elsevier      & 2017  & GSA       & Two wind speeds of \qtyrange{11}{35}{\metre\per\second}
                                                            & Proposed a new four-step sensitivity analysis technique, aiming for
                                                              a balance between computational efficiency and model complexity.  \\
Robertson, Shaler
            & Copernicus    & 2019-21 & GSA     &           & Utilized the elementary effect method to study parameters
                                                              influencing turbine loads. \\
Carta       & Elsevier      & 2020      & GSA   & changing  & Investigated uncertainties in parameters and found that wind speed,
                                                              active power set-point, and turbulence intensity accounted for over \qty{98}{\percent} of the response model variation.  \\
Moghadam   & Elsevier       & 2021      & LSA   & Average of 11 m/s
                                                            & Utilized local sensitivity analysis based on partial derivatives to
                                                              simplify and derive a closed-form expression.   \\
Biazar      & Wiley         & 2022      & GSA   & In two regions of FL with a speed of \qty{22}{\metre\per\second} 
                                                  and PL with a speed of \qty{11}{\metre\per\second}
                                                            & Examined sensor bias errors on wind turbines using the Monte Carlo method in different regions. In the PL region, errors affect all sensors similarly, especially impacting power output. However, in the FL region, the generator speed sensor error has the most significant impact on WT power output.  \\
\SetCell[c=3]{l}   Current study
            &               &           & GSA   & Changing continuously \qtyrange{5}{20}{\metre\per\second} which include both PL
                                                  and FL regions
                                                            & Focus on the precision of the sensors of a wind turbine in order to \\


但是,如果您坚持要垂直居中单元格的内容,那么您在上面的 MWE 中只需要将表格序言更改为:

\begin{tblr}{hline{1,Z} = 1pt, hline{2}=0.5pt, hline{3-Y} = {solid},
             colsep  = 3pt,
             colspec = {@{} Q[l, m, wd=16mm] ccc  
                            Q[l, m, wd=32mm, cmd={\linespread{0.84}\relax}] 
                            X[j, m, cmd={\linespread{0.84}\relax}]  @{}},
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