我正在尝试在持续时间部分下的表格中插入一个徽标,这样我就会有一张表格,左侧是垂直的持续时间和 lofo,另一侧是描述和详细信息。我尝试了很多方法,但都没有用。描述部分一直向下移动。你能帮忙吗?
& BlaBla University \\\textsc{}&\emph{Undergraduate Researcher}\\&\footnotesize{Numerical simulations are done on controlling reverberations through multi-layered soundproofing materials with acoustic metamaterial shaping. Experimental work is done on sound wave manipulation by using programmable phase array transducers. \\\textsc{}&\emph{Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Hasan Yılmaz}
\textsc{#1}&\textbf{#2}\\ % date & position title
\multirow{3}{2cm}{\\\includegraphics[width=2cm]{example-image-a}}&\emph{#3}\\ % logo & institution
&\footnotesize#5\\ % details
&\footnotesize\emph{#4}\\[\baselineskip]} % supervisor
\education{2020--Present}{Undergraduate Researcher}{BlaBla University}{Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Hasan Yılmaz}
{Numerical simulations are done on controlling reverberations through multi-layered soundproofing materials with acoustic metamaterial shaping. Experimental work is done on sound wave manipulation by using programmable phase array transducers.}
\education{2020--Present}{Undergraduate Researcher}{BlaBla University}{Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Hasan Yılmaz}
{Numerical simulations are done on controlling reverberations through multi-layered soundproofing materials with acoustic metamaterial shaping. Experimental work is done on sound wave manipulation by using programmable phase array transducers.}