与 xr 包交叉引用和增量编号

与 xr 包交叉引用和增量编号


我正在关注本指南交叉引用article1中的方程式、图表和章节summary。然而,在 中summary我进一步定义了方程式和图表,它们的编号又从 1 开始。

我需要的是 a) 编号不再从 1 开始(首选解决方案),b) 引用方程式和图形时,它们要有一个前缀,例如,如果图形在摘要中,则要使用“图 S1”而不是“图 1”(类似于可以做什么\appendix以及重命名部分)。

MWE 是Overleaf 示例.只需添加

This is a new Equation
x + y    
That should start from number 2 but starts from 1.





\title{Using the xr package on Overleaf}

%----Helper code for dealing with external references----
% (by cyberSingularity at http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/69832/226)


\newcommand*{\addFileDependency}[1]{% argument=file name and extension
\typeout{(#1)}% latexmk will find this if $recorder=0
% however, in that case, it will ignore #1 if it is a .aux or 
% .pdf file etc and it exists! If it doesn't exist, it will appear 
% in the list of dependents regardless)
% Write the following if you want it to appear in \listfiles 
% --- although not really necessary and latexmk doesn't use this
% latexmk will find this message if #1 doesn't exist (yet)
\IfFileExists{#1}{}{\typeout{No file #1.}}

%------------End of helper code--------------

% put all the external documents here!


In the file \texttt{article1.tex}, the introduction is section \ref{introduction}.  In that file, there are two subsections: \ref{mathrefs} and \ref{powers}. In subsection \ref{powers}, equation \ref{eq:1} demonstrates a power series.

This is a new Equation
x + y    
That should start from number 2 but starts from 1.



\title{This is \texttt{article1.tex}}

This is a standalone \LaTeX{} document with
references we want to use in \texttt{summary.tex}.

\subsection{Math references}
As mentioned in section \ref{introduction}, 
different elements can be referenced within
a document.

\subsection{Powers series}

\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} a_i x^i

Equation \ref{eq:1} is a typical power series.


根据 Ulrike 的评论,我发现了几种可以满足我需求的方法。无论你选择哪种,它都会在之后出现\maketitle

解决方案 1


% and so on

解决方案 2

非常通用,这将使用部分名称重命名您的图形/方程式/...。如果部分名称已被更改\appendix,它们将类似于“图 A.1”。

% and whatever else you need

解决方案 3


\renewcommand{\theequation}{\thesection.\arabic{equation}} % Figure A.1, A.2, B.1, ...
% and again, whatever else you'd need 
