Acro 包:如何在首字母缩略词列表前插入带有“首字母缩略词”和“页面”字样的行

Acro 包:如何在首字母缩略词列表前插入带有“首字母缩略词”和“页面”字样的行

在我的 LaTex 论文中,我有一个要显示在单独页面上的首字母缩略词列表,该页面的标题为“首字母缩略词列表”。我正在寻找可以复制我的插图列表页面的解决方案,在该页面中,在标题之后和列表本身之前插入一行,其中包含单词“图”和“页面”。


我使用acropackage 作为我的首字母缩略词。

% Set the page margins as required
\usepackage{graphicx}     % Required for inserting images
\usepackage{setspace}\doublespacing % Double space 
\usepackage{endnotes}     % All notes 2b place at a separate section 'Endnotes'
\usepackage{acro}         % Acronyms/abbreviations
\include{00-Acronyms}     % List of acronyms, 2b updated
%--> acro manual:
% Managing sections
\usepackage{titlesec}     % To modify the section titles
\renewcommand\thesection{\arabic{section}} % CHAPTER 1 [New Line] TITLE
\titleformat{\section}[display]            % each chapter has two lines...
% Capitalizing the titles of the respective sections:
\renewcommand{\notesname}{\centering \MakeUppercase{Endnotes}}
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\centering \MakeUppercase{Contents}}
\renewcommand{\refname}{\centering \MakeUppercase{References}}
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\centering \MakeUppercase{List of Illustrations}}
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{\centering \MakeUppercase{List of Tables}}
\usepackage{tocloft}      % <-- modify ToC, LoF, and LoT
\renewcommand{\cfttoctitlefont}{\hfill\Large} % ToC = Table of Contents
\renewcommand{\cftloftitlefont}{\hfill\Large} % LoF = List of Figures
\renewcommand{\cftlottitlefont}{\hfill\Large} % LoT = List of Tables
\usepackage{natbib}       % Bibliography management
% My info
\date{October 14th, 2023}

% ----- Start of the document --------------------------------------------------
% All notes to be in the separate section 'Endnotes'

% Table of Contents + making TOC not in bold font
{\let\bfseries\mdseries \tableofcontents} \newpage

% List of Figures/Illustrations
\addtocontents{lof}{{~Figure}~\hfill{Page}\par} % <- inserting a line w/"Figure"
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\uppercase{List of Illustrations}}

% List of Tables
\addtocontents{lot}{{~Table}~\hfill{Page}\par} % <- inserting a line w/ "Table"
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\uppercase{List of Tables}}

% List of Acronyms/Abbreviations
\printacronyms[pages = {display=all,seq/use=false},
           name  = \uppercase{List of Acronyms}]
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\uppercase{List of Acronyms}}

% ... some latex code

% ----- End of the document ----------------------------------------------------

