我如何调整回忆录类目录中的孤行条目?目录中有两行孤行条目。如何修复?目录中的示例页面。有问题的条目来自文档中的 \chapter 部分。
谢谢 David 和 John 的帮助。我应该发布一些类似下面这个最小示例的内容(抱歉),因为它总是有助于解决问题。我能够通过这种方式产生问题。我注释掉了 David 的解决方案以查看问题。我不知道您可以将 \clearpage 添加到 \addtocontents。太棒了!
mgc 法语
\setlength{\cftbeforechapterskip}{0pt plus 0pt}% make ToC line spacing for chapters like sections
\renewcommand*{\cftchapterfont}{\cftsectionfont}% make ToC fontsize for chapters like sections
\cftpagenumbersoff{chapter}% no page numbers for chapters in toc
\renewcommand{\chapternumberline}[1]{}% no chapter numbers in toc
\chapter{Fred and Friends}
\section{One Fine Day}
\section{Another Fine Day}
\section{Same Old Same Old}
\section{Something Different}
\section{Something Even More Different}
\section{Something Stupendously Different}
\section{Something Amazing}
\section{More of the Same}
\chapter{Fred and Friends}
\section{One Fine Day}
\section{Another Fine Day}
\section{Same Old Same Old}
\section{Something Different}
\section{More of the Same}
\chapter{Fred and Friends}
\section{One Fine Day}
\section{Another Fine Day}
\section{Same Old Same Old}
\section{Something Different}
\section{More of the Same}
\chapter{Fred and Friends}
\section{One Fine Day}
\section{Another Fine Day}