\node[shape=circle, draw, minimum size=1.5em, inner sep=0pt , thick] (char) {#1};}}
\renewcommand{\choiceshook}{\settowidth{\leftmargin}{\circled{W}.\hskip\labelsep\hskip 0em}}
\question What is 2+2?
\choice \makebox[.2\textwidth][l]{1}
\CorrectChoice \makebox[.2\textwidth][l]{4}
\choice \makebox[.2\textwidth][l]{2}
\choice \makebox[.2\textwidth][l]{3}
\question What is 2+2?
\choice \makebox[.2\textwidth][l]{1}
\CorrectChoice \makebox[.2\textwidth][l]{4}
\choice \makebox[.2\textwidth][l]{2}
\choice \makebox[.2\textwidth][l]{3}
\question What is the result of $y = x^3 - 3x^2 + 7x - 1$?
\choice \makebox[.4\textwidth][l]{some thing}
\CorrectChoice \makebox[.4\textwidth][l]{$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$}
\choice \makebox[.4\textwidth][l]{$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$}
\choice \makebox[.4\textwidth][l]{$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$}
\question What is 2+2?
\choice Very long text Very long text Very long text
\CorrectChoice Very long text Very long text Very long text
\choice Very long text Very long text Very long text
\choice Very long text Very long text Very long text
在这种情况下,键 A、B、C、D 排在两列中,例如问题 3,我想将键 B(某些东西)和键 D(a^2 + b^2 = c^2)对齐,以便与两个问题 1 和 2 的键 C 在同一行。我该怎么做?
第 26 页)。
\node[shape=circle, draw, minimum size=1.5em, inner sep=0pt , thick] (char) {#1};}}
\setlength{\leftmargin}{\dimexpr \labelwidth+\labelsep}}
\question What is 2+2?
\choice \makebox[.2\linewidth][l]{1}%
\CorrectChoice \makebox[.2\linewidth][l]{4}%
\choice \makebox[.2\linewidth][l]{r}%
\choice \makebox[.2\linewidth][l]{r}%
\question What is 2+2?
\choice \makebox[.2\linewidth][l]{1}%
\CorrectChoice \makebox[.2\linewidth][l]{4}%
\choice \makebox[.2\linewidth][l]{2}%
\choice \makebox[.2\linewidth][l]{3}%
\question What is the result of $y = x^3 - 3x^2 + 7x - 1$?
\choice \makebox[.485\linewidth][l]{some thing}%
\CorrectChoice \makebox[.485\linewidth][l]{$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$}%
\choice \makebox[.485\linewidth][l]{$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$}%
\choice \makebox[.485\linewidth][l]{$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$}%
\question What is 2+2?
\choice Very long text Very long text Very long text
\CorrectChoice Very long text Very long text Very long text
\choice Very long text Very long text Very long text
\choice Very long text Very long text Very long text