未找到公制 (TFM) 文件,Fond T2A 位于 12pt

未找到公制 (TFM) 文件,Fond T2A 位于 12pt

我正在尝试编写一篇类文章。我想引用的一些参考文献中有西里尔字母,因为我的一些资料的标题或期刊名称没有英文翻译。我编写了一个最小示例,但在我的例子中,它引发了错误:Font T2A/cmr/m/n/12=larm1200 at 12.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found. \babel@aux{russian}{}

我在 Linux Mint 上运行 TexLive 2023 和 TexStudio 4.6.3。

% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
\usepackage[a4paper,left=2.6cm, right=2.9cm, top=3.5cm, bottom=3.5cm]{geometry}
\usepackage[style = ext-authoryear, giveninits=true, uniquename = init, isbn = false, url = false, eprint = false, doi = false, dashed = false, uniquelist = minyear, maxcitenames = 2, minbibnames = 7, maxbibnames = 8, backend = biber]{biblatex}

This is some text and I cite stuff \parencite{Tsvelev1981}.


  author       = {Tsvelev},
  journaltitle = {Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы (Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists)},
  title        = {Veronicas (\textit{Veronica} \textsc{L.}) of the affinity of \textit{Veronica spicata} \textsc{L.} and some problems of the phylogenesis of the genus},
  year         = {1981},
  number       = {6},
  pages        = {82-92},
  volume       = {86},

我相信还有一些类似的问题。据我所知,大多数人试图在实际文本中混合使用西里尔字母和拉丁字母,并且不会将混合条目导入参考书目。我不确定这是否会有所不同。 这个帖子建议安装texlive-fonts-recommended可能会解决问题。我已经安装了这个包。这个帖子要求标记参考书目条目,但使用natbib。我尝试过:

  author       = {Tsvelev},
  journaltitle = {\foreignlanguage{russian}{Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы} (Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists)},
  title        = {Veronicas (\textit{Veronica} \textsc{L.}) of the affinity of \textit{Veronica spicata} \textsc{L.} and some problems of the phylogenesis of the genus},
  year         = {1981},
  number       = {6},
  pages        = {82-92},
  volume       = {86},



使用现代 OpenType/TrueType (OTF/TTF) Unicode 字体,而不是传统字体/编码,可以使事情变得更容易。

例如,Noto Serif 同时包含拉丁文和西里尔文。


请注意,Biblatex/Biber 可以通过 bibentry 中的 langid= 字段理解并应用条目的语言设置polyglossiababel

还要注意,翻译和评论可以作为注释存储在 bibentry 中(如果有很多,则存储在外部文件中)。


  author       = {Tsvelev},
  journaltitle = {Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы (Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists)},
  title        = {Veronicas (\textit{Veronica} \textsc{L.}) of the affinity of \textit{Veronica spicata} \textsc{L.} and some problems of the phylogenesis of the genus},
  date         = {1981},
  number       = {6},
  pages        = {82-92},
  volume       = {86},

\setmainfont{Noto Serif}
\usepackage[a4paper,left=2.6cm, right=2.9cm, top=3.5cm, bottom=3.5cm]{geometry}
\usepackage[style = ext-authoryear, giveninits=true, uniquename = init, isbn = false, url = false, eprint = false, doi = false, dashed = false, uniquelist = minyear, maxcitenames = 2, minbibnames = 7, maxbibnames = 8, backend = biber]{biblatex}

This is some text and I cite stuff \parencite{Tsvelev1981}.
