

我读到,从排字员的角度来看,使用表格是不美观的,而且之所以使用得更频繁,是因为“Word”通常不允许任何其他选项。此外,还存在技术困难。我必须以相同的样式编写多个文档,在这里,标签必须始终输入适当的条目。使用 longtable 时,单元格中的文本可能会太长而无法容纳一页。我发现的唯一解决方案是手动拆分此单元格。如果我使用描述,则标签文本可能比枚举/描述的文本长。创建此类文档的正确方法是什么?在 StackExchange 中,我阅读了有关词汇表环境的信息,这对我来说完全不了解。值得学习吗?谢谢你的帮助。


\usepackage{longtable, tabularx, tabulary, tabu}
\usepackage{multicol, multirow}


\setlist[description]{style=multiline,leftmargin=!, labelindent=0pt}
\newcommand{\Linie}{\leavevmode \\ \rule{\linewidth}{1pt}}

        \begin{longtable}{|>{\bfseries} p{0.3\textwidth} | p{0.7\textwidth} |}
            [very long label, in some paper this is necessary and the text to this label is very long, but sometomes this long lable has a short text]&short text\\
            short label&long text: \lipsum[1-5]\\
    \textbf{or Description}     
        \begin{description}[labelwidth=5cm  ]
            \item[short label] long text:\lipsum[1]
            \item [very long label, in some paper this is necessary and the text to this label is very long, but sometomes this long lable has a short text] very short text
            %\hline using hline is not the perfec solution?
            \item[hline or linie]I wonder why my line is so short and hline is longer? Which is better to use\
