texdoc 与 CTAN MANIFEST.md

texdoc 与 CTAN MANIFEST.md

我想知道是否使用以下CTAN清单构建l3build,命令texdoc bdoc将打开该bdoc-FR.pdf文件?

# Manifest for bdoc

This file is a listing of all files considered to be part of this package.
It is automatically generated with `l3build manifest`.

## Repository manifest

The following groups list the files included in the development repository of the package.
Files listed with a ‘†’ marker are included in the TDS but not CTAN files, and files listed
with ‘‡’ are included in both.

### Text files

Plain text files included as documentation or metadata.

* README.md ‡

### Derived files

The files created by ‘unpacking’ the package sources. This typically includes
`.sty` and `.cls` files created from DocStrip `.dtx` files.

* bdoc-locale-english.cfg.sty ‡
* bdoc-locale-french.cfg.sty ‡
* bdoc.sty ‡

## TDS manifest

The following groups list the files included in the TeX Directory Structure used to install
the package into a TeX distribution.

### Source files (TDS)

All files included in the `bdoc/source` directory.

* bdoc-FR.pdf 
* bdoc-locale-english.cfg.sty 
* bdoc-locale-french.cfg.sty 
* bdoc.sty 

### TeX files (TDS)

All files included in the `bdoc/tex` directory.

* bdoc-locale-english.cfg.sty 
* bdoc-locale-french.cfg.sty 
* bdoc.sty 

### Doc files (TDS)

All files included in the `bdoc/doc` directory.

* README.md 
* bdoc-demo.tex 

## CTAN manifest

The following group lists the files included in the CTAN package.

### CTAN files

* README.md 
* bdoc-FR.pdf 
* bdoc-demo.tex 
* bdoc-locale-english.cfg.sty 
* bdoc-locale-french.cfg.sty 
* bdoc.sty 


严格按照您的 MANIFEST 进行操作,如果bdoc-FR.pdf放在源树中,Texdoc 将无法找到此 PDF 文件。相反,它会从得分较低的文档树中查找MANIFEST.mdREADME.md另一方面,如果bdoc-FR.pdf放在文档树中,Texdoc 会将其识别为包文档并将其作为最高优先级显示。


  • 目前,Texdoc 不支持在源树中搜索。
  • 后缀的大小写(大写或小写)无关紧要。
  • 上传到 CTAN 时,CTAN 团队或将其纳入 TeX Live 的维护人员可能会调整 TDS 内的文件位置或请求更改。最好遵循他们的指导。

Texdoc 主要仅在文档树中搜索文档。搜索时会出现例外PKGNAME.sty,此时它将显示.sty来自 tex 树的文件。因此,如果文档文件 ( bdoc-FR.pdf) 放置在源树中,Texdoc 将无法找到该文件。但是,即使此带有当前清单的包已上传到 CTAN,在将其纳入 TeX 发行版之前,也可能会在某些时候对 TDS 中的文件位置进行更正。一条建议如果在文档树中找不到合适的文档,Texdoc 应该回退到搜索源树,但实现这一点需要对 Texdoc 的文件搜索和评分方案进行重大更改,并且可能不会很快实现。无论如何,对于这种特殊情况,似乎没有必要将文档放在源树而不是文档树中。

如果文档文件 ( bdoc-FR.pdf) 被放置在文档树中,Texdoc 会将其识别为 bdoc 包的主要法语文档。如果不存在其他语言文档,Texdoc 将显示优先级最高的文件。虽然语言代码后缀通常以小写形式书写,但 Texdoc 不会区分文件名中的大写和小写,因此这不会影响搜索结果。
