\caption{Figure 1}
bBlock/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=red!20,
text width=6em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em},
rBlock/.style={rectangle, draw, fill= white,
text width=6em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em},
arr/.style={line width=.5pt , draw, -latex'}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 1cm, auto]
\node [bBlock] (1) {Paper B};
\node [rBlock, below left = of 1] (2) {Paper C};
\node [bBlock, above left = of 2] (3) {Paper A};
\draw [arr] (1) -- node[anchor=west] {TEXT} (2);
\draw [arr] (3) -- node[anchor=east] {TEXT} (2);
\caption{Figure 2}
bBlock/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=red!20,
text width=6em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em},
rBlock/.style={rectangle, draw, fill= white,
text width=6em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em},
arr/.style={line width=.5pt , draw, -latex'}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 1cm, auto]
\node [bBlock] (1) {Paper Y};
\node [rBlock, below left = of 1] (2) {Paper X};
\node [bBlock, above left = of 2] (3) {Paper Z};
\draw [arr] (2) -- node[anchor=west]{TEXT} (1);
\draw [arr] (2) -- node[anchor=east]{TEXT} (3);
和缩小节点形状大小并减少节点之间的距离。例如,如以下 MWE 中所做的那样:
%--------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
box/.style = {draw, rounded corners, fill=#1,
text width=5em, align=center,
minimum height=3em},
box/.default = red!30,
every edge/.style = {draw, thick, -Latex},
every edge quotes/.append style = {auto, font=\footnotesize\scshape}
\caption{Figure 1}
node distance = 8mm and 4mm
\node [box] (1) {Paper A};
\node [box=white, below right = of 1] (2) {Paper C};
\node [box, above right = of 2] (3) {Paper B};
\draw (1) edge["TEXT" '] (2)
(3) edge["TEXT"] (2);
\caption{Figure 2}
node distance = 9mm and 3mm
\node [box] (1) {Paper A};
\node [box=white, below right = of 1] (2) {Paper C};
\node [box, above right = of 2] (3) {Paper B};
\draw (2) edge["TEXT"] (1)
(2) edge["TEXT" '] (3);