longtblr 和 multirow setcell 的背景颜色显示不正确

longtblr 和 multirow setcell 的背景颜色显示不正确



\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %Accept different input encodings
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %Standard package for selecting font encodings.
\usepackage{xcolor, colortbl} %Driver-independent color extensions.

\usepackage{tabularray} %Typeset Tabulars and Arrays with LATEX3
\usepackage{booktabs} % Required for nicer horizontal rules in tables

\usepackage{lipsum}  % Generate random latin text.

% Solid colors used by custom




                caption = {Expection processing flow - SCT messages},
                label ={table_ISO20022_Happy_flow_SCT_messages}
                    hline{1,Z} = {1pt,solid},
                    hline{2} = {1}{1pt, solid, customGrey, leftpos=0},
                    hline{2} = {2-Y}{1pt, solid, customGrey},
                    hline{2} = {Z}{1pt, solid, customGrey, rightpos=0},
                    hline{3-Y} = {customGreyLight, leftpos=0, rightpos=0},
                    vline{1,Z} = {1pt,solid},
                    vline{2-Y} = {customGreyLight},
                    columns  = {l},
                    row{1}  = {bg=customGreyHeaderTable, fg=customShadePink1,font=\bfseries},
                    row{2-Z}= {bg=gray, fg=white}
        Initial message & R-Transaction & Wording of the R-Transaction  \\
    \SetCell[r=7]{l}pacs.008  & camt.027 & SCT Inquiry for Claim of Non-Receipt \\
    & camt.029 & {Negative Response to a Recall, \\ RFRO \\ or SCT Inquiry use cases;\\ Positive Response to SCT Inquiry use cases} \\
    & camt.056 & Recall; RFRO \\
    & camt.087 & SCT Inquiry for Value Date Correction \\
    & pacs.002 & Reject \\
    & pacs.004 & {Return;\\ Positive Response to a Recall \\ or RFRO} \\
    & pacs.028 & {Request for Status Update on a Recall, RFRO \\ or SCT Inquiry use cases} \\
    pain.001 & pain.002 & Reject \\

当表格在另一页上中断时,背景颜色会在第一页上延续,而不是在第二页上: 问题




  • 正如我在评论中提到的,您应该防止在多行单元格中间拆分表格。
  • 您可以通过*在行终止后添加来防止拆分(请参阅下面的 MWE)
  • 对于标准 LaTeX 文档类,仅定义 10pt、11pt 和 12pt 字体大小。因此8pt不使用(而是使用 10pt)

我稍微改变了 MWE 的表格设计,如下所示:


%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %Accept different input encodings
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %Standard package for selecting font encodings.
\usepackage[table]{xcolor} %Driver-independent color extensions.

\usepackage{tabularray} %Typeset Tabulars and Arrays with LATEX3
%\usepackage{booktabs} % Required for nicer horizontal rules in tables

\usepackage{lipsum}  % Generate random latin text.

% Solid colors used by custom




                caption = {Expection processing flow - SCT messages},
                label ={table_ISO20022_Happy_flow_SCT_messages}
                    hline{1,Z} = {1pt,solid},
                    hline{2} = {1}{1pt, solid, customGrey, leftpos=0},
                    hline{2} = {2-Y}{1pt, solid, customGrey},
                    hline{2} = {Z}{1pt, solid, customGrey, rightpos=0},
                    hline{3-Y} = {customGreyLight, leftpos=0, rightpos=0},
                    vline{1,Z} = {1pt,solid},
                    vline{2-Y} = {customGreyLight},
                    colspec  = { X[l] X[l] X[2.5,l]},   % <---
                    row{1}  = {bg=customGreyHeaderTable, fg=customShadePink1,font=\bfseries},
                    row{2-Z}= {bg=gray, fg=white}

Initial message & R-Transaction & Wording of the R-Transaction          \\
    pacs.008    & camt.027      & SCT Inquiry for Claim of Non-Receipt  \\*
                & camt.029      & Negative Response to a Recall, RFRO 
                                  or SCT Inquiry use cases; Positive Response 
                                  to SCT Inquiry use cases                  \\*
                & camt.056      & Recall; RFRO                          \\*
                & camt.087      & SCT Inquiry for Value Date Correction \\*
                & pacs.002      & Reject                                \\*
                & pacs.004      & {Return;\\ Positive Response to a Recall or RFRO}     \\*
                & pacs.028      & Request for Status Update on a Recall, 
                                  RFRO or SCT Inquiry use cases         \\
pain.001        & pain.002      & Reject                                \\



%--------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
\usepackage{lipsum}                              % for dummy text
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %Standard package for selecting font encodings.

\usepackage{xcolor} %Driver-independent color extensions.
\usepackage{tabularray} %Typeset Tabulars and Arrays with LATEX3

\usepackage{lipsum}  % Generate random latin text.

% Solid colors used by custom




caption = {Expection processing flow - SCT messages},
  label = {table_ISO20022_Happy_flow_SCT_messages}
        hline{1,Z} = {1pt},
        hline{2}   = {1pt, customGrey, leftpos=0, rightpos=0},
        hline{3-Y} = {customGreyLight, leftpos=0, rightpos=0},
        vline{1,Z} = {1pt},
        vline{2-Y} = {customGreyLight},
        colspec    = { X[0.6, l] X[0.8, l] X[2.6,l]},   % <---
        row{1}     = {c, bg=customGreyHeaderTable, fg=customShadePink1,font=\bfseries},
        row{2-Z}   = {bg=gray, fg=white}

Initial message & R-Transaction & {Wording of the\\ R-Transaction}      \\
    pacs.008    & camt.027      & SCT Inquiry for Claim of Non-Receipt  \\*
                & camt.029      & Negative Response to a Recall, RFRO
                                  or SCT Inquiry use cases; Positive Response
                                  to SCT Inquiry use cases                  \\*
                & camt.056      & Recall; RFRO                          \\*
                & camt.087      & SCT Inquiry for Value Date Correction \\*
                & pacs.002      & Reject                                \\*
                & pacs.004      & {Return;\\ Positive Response to a Recall or RFRO}     \\*
                & pacs.028      & Request for Status Update on a Recall,
                                  RFRO or SCT Inquiry use cases         \\
 pain.001       & pain.002      & Reject                                \\*
                & pain.003      & whatever                              \\*
                & pain.004      & whatever                              \\


