如何修复的语法\draw (i-2) circle let \p{dgcr} = (i-2) in node at (i-2) {$d_{g,cr} = \fpeval{\x{dgcr}/0.35}$};
\usetikzlibrary{calc, intersections}
xmin = 0, xmax = 0.4,
ymin = 0, ymax = 0.6,
xtick distance = {0.2},
ytick distance = {0.2},
minor tick num = 1,
grid = both,
domain = 0:1.5,
samples = 100,
variable = dg,
name path = OptBrakingDist,
] (
{ dg / 2.5 * (1.2 - dg * 0.5) },
{ dg / 2.5 * (1.3 + dg * 0.5) }
domain = 0:\fpeval{1/(1 - 0.35)},
%samples = 2,
variable = dg,
name path = fixeddist,
( { 0.35 * dg } , { (1 - 0.35) * dg } )
% Find and label the intersections
\path [name intersections = {of = fixeddist and OptBrakingDist, name=i}];
\draw[fill=red, draw=none] (i-2) circle [radius=3pt] let \p{dgcr} = (i-2) in node[left=3pt, inner sep=0pt, fill=white, scale=0.75] at (i-2) {$d_{g,cr} = \fpeval{\x{dgcr}/0.35}$};
我找到了这个帖子交叉口坐标 我想知道它是否合适。关键是\pgfplotspointgetcoordinates{(i-2)}
\usetikzlibrary{calc, intersections}
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/220284/coordinates-of-intersection
\fill [
name intersections={
of = fixeddist and OptBrakingDist,
] (i-2) circle (3pt)
node [left=3pt, inner sep=0pt, fill=white, scale=0.75] {
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% using `\pgfplotspointgetcoordinates' stores the (axis)
% coordinates in `data point' which then can be called by
% `\pgfkeysvalueof'
$d_{g,cr} \approx \pgfmathprintnumber{\fpeval{\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/x}/0.35}}$
% -------------------------------------------------------------
xmin = 0, xmax = 0.4,
ymin = 0, ymax = 0.6,
xtick distance = {0.2},
ytick distance = {0.2},
minor tick num = 1,
grid = both,
domain = 0:1.5,
samples = 100,
variable = dg,
name path = OptBrakingDist,
] (
{ dg / 2.5 * (1.2 - dg * 0.5) },
{ dg / 2.5 * (1.3 + dg * 0.5) }
domain = 0:\fpeval{1/(1 - 0.35)},
%samples = 2,
variable = dg,
name path = fixeddist,
( { 0.35 * dg } , { (1 - 0.35) * dg } )
% Find and label the intersections
% \path [name intersections = {of = fixeddist and OptBrakingDist, name=i}];
% %
% \draw[fill=red, draw=none] (i-2) circle [radius=3pt] let \p{dgcr} = (i-2) in node[left=3pt, inner sep=0pt, fill=white, scale=0.75] at (i-2) {$d_{g,cr} = \fpeval{\x{dgcr}/0.35}$};
棘手的部分是以轴 cs: 单位获取答案。因此,我首先获取已知位置的屏幕坐标,然后根据交点的屏幕坐标使用它们计算轴 cs: 坐标。
请注意,轴原点并不总是与 tikz 原点相同。
\usetikzlibrary{calc, intersections}
xmin = 0, xmax = 0.4,
ymin = 0, ymax = 0.6,
xtick distance = {0.2},
ytick distance = {0.2},
minor tick num = 1,
grid = both,
domain = 0:1.5,
samples = 100,
variable = dg,
name path = OptBrakingDist,
] (
{ dg / 2.5 * (1.2 - dg * 0.5) },
{ dg / 2.5 * (1.3 + dg * 0.5) }
domain = 0:\fpeval{1/(1 - 0.35)},
%samples = 2,
variable = dg,
name path = fixeddist,
( { 0.35 * dg } , { (1 - 0.35) * dg } )
\path (axis cs: 0,0) coordinate (origin);% axis origin
\path (axis cs: 0.1,0.1) coordinate (unit);% 0.1 unit vector
\path (origin); \pgfgetlastxy{\xo}{\yo}%
\path (unit); \pgfgetlastxy{\xunit}{\yunit}%
% Find and label the intersections
\path [name intersections = {of = fixeddist and OptBrakingDist, name=i}];
\draw[fill=red, draw=none] (i-2) circle [radius=3pt] let \p{dgcr} = (i-2) in node[left=3pt, inner sep=0pt, fill=white, scale=0.75] at (i-2) {$d_{g,cr} = \fpeval{\x{dgcr}/0.35}$};
\path (i-2); \pgfgetlastxy{\xint}{\yint}%
\draw (i-2) circle node[above] at (i-2) {$d_{g,cr} = \fpeval{0.1*(\xint-\xo)/(\xunit-\xo)}$};