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In a nutshell, the following key attributes of the doctrine are discernible from the case law:
\item fair use is `an affirmative defense requiring a case-by-case analysis';\footnote{\textit{Harper \& Row} at 561; \textit{Campbell} at 577.}

\item because fair use of copyrighted material is seen `to fulfil copyright's very purpose [to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts]',\footnote{\textit{Campbell} at 575, citing Art I, {\textsection} 8, cl 8 of the US Constitution.} the application of the doctrine `requires judicial balancing'\footnote{\textit{Google} at 1197.} `between creativity and availability';\footnote{\textit{Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc v Goldsmith} No. 21--869; 143 S Ct 1258 (2023) (`\textit{Goldsmith}') (slip op.) at p 13.}

\item accordingly, fair use is a `flexible' concept, whose `application may well vary depending upon context'.\footnote{\textit{Google} at 1197. The fair use exception has been described as providing `considerable flexibility': Pamela Samuelson, `Unbundling Fair Uses' (2009) 77 \textit{Fordham Law Review} 2537 at 2540.}


Section~107 sets out a non-exhaustive list of fair use or fairness `factors', and the illustrative examples of fair use provided in the preamble likewise do not constitute a closed list.


如果您想让文档可访问,您确实应该保持系统更新。TeXlive 2022 太旧了!

但除此之外:这是 Acrobat 检查器中的一个错误。即使使用最新的系统,Acrobat 也会抱怨以下文档,因为它不接受标签Lbl在部分编号列表之外使用(这是非常有效的!)。所以向 Adob​​e 投诉,他们应该在测试中纠正这个问题。





In a nutshell

